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Have you ever got a chance to review a book? Do you know how to write a book review? No clue? Now you do not need a book review sample or example of book reviews to write a book review. Here are six easy steps. You can use them to review any book.

1) Feel the book: When you get a book for review do not read it first. Just look at it. Find out the nature of the book. See how it is manufactured. In what category the publisher has placed it? Try to find out the target audience of the book.

2) Open the book and just flip through it: Now you have felt the book. You still do not to read the book. Just find out how the writer has structured the pages, paragraphs and the words. A quick glance at the book will tell you whether the book is readable or not.

3) Read the book: Now start reading the book. Just find out what caught your attention. How is your reading experience? See, whether the book is boring or interesting.

We can complete an example of book reviews for you on any topic you need

4) Take notes: This is one of the most difficult steps. Write brief and purposeful notes about how you felt while reading the first chapter and when you proceeded to the next ones. How the book has affected you? Note down the relationship between the form and content in the book. Whether the subject matter has been well explained? Whether the writer has neglected some points? What is the likely overall impact of the book on the readers?

5) Sum up: After you have gone through the above exercises it is time to sum up. Summarize your notes and prepare a brief covering all the above points very clearly.

6) Pass your judgment: Now it is time to pass your judgment about your overall impression about the book. Whether the book is good or bad? What are the positive and negative points of the book? When passing judgment you can take the help of example of book reviews made earlier.

You are done now. It is time to sit back and relax. But if you are writing your first book review study a book review sample before you start. This will give you some help.

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