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A Rose for Emily analysis paper delivery within 3 hours

The two stories, Young Goodman Brown written by Nathaniel Hawthorne and A Rose For Emily written by William Faulkner are almost running one same theme through different perspectives. Both the stories run the theme of guilt and innocence.

In Young Goodman Brown, the narrator uses limited omniscient third-person point of view to ensure that the story revolves around a single character. The third-person limited point of view has effectively helped the writer to present what the character does, but with more freedom on the writer to macro-manage the story. The writer assesses and remarks on the character of Goodman Brown more freely and even conveys his own beliefs. Young Goodman Brown point of view allows Hawthorne to be more objective through the narration and to comment on the general decay in society.

Young Goodman Brown point of view will be taken a look from different sides

A Rose For Emily analysis reveals that the writer has used streaming consciousness method to present the theme of decay. Through this narrative style, Faulkner has managed to involve many characters in the life of one old woman called Emily, by involving their thoughts, words and actions from the house, town and then inside Miss Emily. The streams of consciousness in the mind of an unknown narrator allows the readers to shift from the discovery about Emily's death, to how people relate in Jefferson town, the decayed perception of the town, and the hiding place of Emily Grierson. More indulgence in A Rose For Emily analysis reveals that the passage of time has seen the emergence of a new generation of townspeople who have no respect for the traditions of their forbears, and instead adore new ways and new things.

Point of view is, therefore, an essential tool for fashioning a story to reveal what the writer intends to share with the readers. It ranges from limited ones such as the Young Goodman Brown point of view to the most open streams of consciousness. The selected point of view helps the author to select the style, present the themes and manage the characters.

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