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Tips for Homework About the Effect of Alcohol on Human Beings

Life without alcohol

According to British researchers, drinking alcohol every day can decrease your lifespan. They conducted a review where they analyzed the health of 600,000 people drinking alcohol. As a result, scientists discovered: the more people consume alcohol, the shorter their life becomes.

Today, at any celebration, weddings, birthdays, etc., it’s not surprising to have the presence of alcoholic beverages. Many people do not even imagine celebrations without alcohol. These heart-warming drinks are an integral part of life and have become deeply ingrained in people's minds.

Abandoning alcohol is thus not easy. Below are some reasons to curb alcohol consumption, which can be a stimulus that leads to a healthy lifestyle. And, you can use them in your essay on this issue. To make your research even more efficient, you may need the help of CoolEssay.Net.

Abandoning Alcohol Will Save You Money

Alcohol is expensive. Therefore, because of the systematic consuming of alcoholic beverages, the family budget can be significantly affected. At first, everything starts by watching football matches with a beer, then a birthday, an anniversary, and then holidays cannot be celebrated without alcohol. Try to calculate the amount of money you spend on alcohol per month. Review your spending. Maybe, next month you will spend this money on more important and useful things, such as on online custom assignment help to improve your academic performance.

Alcohol Is Harmful and Alcohol Abuse Can Have Negative Consequences

Over the last decade, alcohol production has increased by hundreds of times according to economic reviews. Along with this, the mortality rate among the population has increased tenfold. Instead, manufacturers of alcoholic beverages try to convince people of its harmlessness in every possible way. Reviews on alcohol’s impact on human life show that 50% of accidents and 80% of deaths from oral cancer can be attributed to alcohol abuse. Additionally, it can cause the issues with the digestive system. And this is an important issue to include in your essay in order to oppose information spread by alcohol producers.

Alcohol Does Not Cheer or Relax

You can often hear from people who like to drink that alcohol is a good way to relax and have fun. Excessive joy in a drunk person has nothing in common with the natural gaiety. Drunk "cheer" periods are the first stages of anesthesia. It is a similar stage of excitation to such drugs as ether, chloroform, and morphine. But, this is different from a truly relaxed state. The nervous system is not calm. Therefore, it will be good to write about this contradiction in your paper. You can also check a lot of cheap essays online to get an inspiration for writing.

Take Care of Your Authority

It has been scientifically shown that alcohol kills nerve cells in the brain. Research certifies that people who drink often lose their credibility in a family and at work. How can one trust an urgent business deal to a person who may be late due to yesterday's drunkenness or come to work with a hangover? Therefore, if you want to focus on the psychological side of the issue in your essay, you may need to emphasize the importance of having control over your thoughts and life.

Alcohol Is the Enemy of a Happy Family

The sober life of parents is one of the conditions for the birth of healthy children. Alcohol causes divorce. In your essay, you may add some statistical data on the cases of domestic abuse caused by alcohol.

Everyone has the right to choose whether to drink, or to live a sober lifestyle. Unfortunately, many people no longer have such a choice because of an alcohol addiction. Temporary forsaking of alcohol already entails assertive changes. The body, due to lack of intoxication, self-purifies, and the brain accepts more blood. The mental activity refines and normalizes the emotional state. Opting for a robust life makes one a happier person.

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