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Get professional assistance with your drunk driving research paper

You may have been assigned a drunk driving research paper by a criminal justice professor, a sociology instructor or biology teacher. How do you write a drunk driving essay that doesn't rehash the obvious conclusion that drunk driving kills too many people? What subjects do you have for a drunk driving research paper that doesn't rely on the current downward trend in drunk driving deaths over the past thirty years?

Demographics and Drunk Driving

The United States is experiencing a radical demographic shift. How have drunk driving arrest rates changed along with the nation's demographics? Which demographic groups still experience high rates of driving while intoxicated? For example, Texas sees continually high drunk driving rates because immigrants from Mexico are less likely to be familiar with the concept of a designated driver and are not aware of the severity of the crime.

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International Trends

Are drunk driving rates around the world falling due to awareness or rising as ever more people come into possession of cars? Do Muslim majority nations have lower drunk driving rates than Europe because the religion eschews alcohol?

Legal Wrangling

The definition of drunk driving was once limited to driving a care while intoxicated. Yet there have been drunk driving arrests of those operating lawn motors, snowmobiles and even riding a horse. What are some of the more bizarre applications of drunk driving laws, and how often is the law stretched? If you are studying criminal justice, write a drunk driving essay on how the definition of driving while intoxicated has changed over time. Or compare the DWI conviction rate for those with blood tests done relative to those with breathalyzer tests and traditional tests relying on balance, coordination and mental acuity.

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