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English for Advertisers

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Why Learn English for Advertisers, Marketers and PR Specialists?

Do you always want to get the insight of the consumer? To avoid the epic fail? And to get a good salary?

Then here is the call to action: learn English for marketers and advertising experts.

There are many reasons to learn English, taking into account the scope of your work. And here are just some of them.

Fast Way…

…up the career ladder, the opportunity to find a prestigious international company. Who of marketing experts does not dream of working with western brands – on the client side or, for example, in an advertising agency.

Without a good English and an understanding of terminology, a dream will remain a dream. As an option, read the articles and books in English. So you will get a good vocabulary. For example, you can choose from the list of top books on marketing and advertising.

As Much at Home as a Fish in Water

That is corporate communication without problems. Write, read, speak – all in English. As a rule, all correspondence or its most part is in English. And you will have to write letters to your western colleagues. And not one person, including your immediate boss, will certainly be in the copy.

By the way, there are companies where an employee pays a small penalty for every mistake in the letter. And such employees put it together with the same "ignoramuses" in the common piggy bank. Once a month, fine is spent with the benefit for everyone. For example, on Friday pizza. It depends on how many " ignoramuses " are in the company. So, if you do not know the specific term –  we recommend using online dictionaries.

If you need to participate in conference calls, negotiations and other important meetings, then you cannot do without speaking practice. It will be ideal to do it with a professional teacher. Sometimes it is difficult to understand the client even without tongue barriers. And let alone if there is an important rally and you need to make a competent presentation. Or, even more interesting – imagine:

  • You are on the commercials shooting!

    How will you communicate with the French director and the German operator? It is not enough to talk about the weather and tell about the areas of London, with all due respect to the latter. To put it mildly. By the way, about London;

  • Would you like to move?

    A professional in his or her field with free English will never be left without a piece of bread. With caviar. So use every opportunity.

We have just lifted the veil, and then, it is up to you! Do not mark time – smart people learn all their lives.

Why Do HR Managers Need English?

Does one really need a foreign language for HR specialists? And for what? Certainly, knowledge of a foreign tongue (by definition, at least English) can give a tangible increase to the starting salary. Or just be an indispensable requirement when hiring. However, the main trick is on the other side of the coin –  read the next paragraph.

Communication with Potential Employees

Knowledge of English may not be needed when searching for a warehouse employee or even an internal auditor. However, most of the serious professionals working "at the forefront" of the company's business, today know English at the level of deep slang terminology, which may not be available for the HR specialist. As a result, there is a serious level of misunderstanding between the two sides.

Therefore, for the HR department, it is strongly recommended that an English course for HR specialists be conducted, which will be individually tailored to the industry.

About Useful

Even if your English is at a fairly tolerable level, there may be a problem in formulating the right questions to applicants for English-language interviews. In this case, use a selection of 150 classic questions from HR managers to job seekers posted on the Quintessential Careers website.

Very good elementary exercises in HR-English can also be found on the HRenglish website.

The website is not a substitute for teachers who will teach you professional terminology for a particular industry, but will provide the necessary basis for communicating with English-speaking job seekers and superiors.

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