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Differences Between Expository and Argumentative Essays, pt.1

Writing a Paper

No secret that in order to be an excellent student you have to understand the definitions, the common features, and differences between various types of writing. In this part of the article, we will get to know the definitions of two common types of writings so to understand how each of them needs to be written.

What Is What?

An expository piece is writing where you have to estimate and describe a specific problem. The whole essay should be written in an impersonal and indifferent manner; writers better avoid expressing their own ideas and beliefs and concentrate on providing all the necessary information for better understanding of the origin of the chosen issue. Exposition means informing, describing, and clarifying. Thus, the main goal of writing an expository essay is to give a good description of the problem basing your discussion on factual data.

Argumentative writing is a piece where you have to persuade your readers that your point of view concerning the specific issue is correct. It usually contains a lot of proven facts combined together with author’s own ideas and thoughts. Before starting working on such an essay, the writer should perform a valid research and collect some data and evidence to prove and uphold his/her point of view. This type of writing usually refers to logic and discourse, and is biased and subjective.


Expository: to give your audience an understanding of the issue in an indifferent and neutral tone;

Argumentative: to persuade your readers that your viewpoint concerning the chosen problem is the one that is valid.



Expository: introduce your readers to the topic of your assignment and describe the main goal of your essay;

Argumentative: lead your audience into the topic and debates around it, and give clear explanations of your position regarding the chosen issue.

Main body

Expository: divide the main topic into several chapters. These chapters can involve characterizing, comparing, categorizing, etc., depending on the purpose of your writing;

Argumentative: start with pointing out the facts that support your overall viewpoint, then try to disprove opposite positions after each of your supporting argument.

Concluding chapter

Expository: succinctly remind your readers of the point of your essay, try to give your piece of writing a sense of closure and possibly offer some other suggestions;

Argumentative: it’s actually your final opportunity to convince your readers, but don’t provide any new arguments now, rather restate your main viewpoint and shortly remind how you have shown it is valid.

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