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Does a Higher Education Mean a Cheaper Life?

Higher education

Students enter higher education institutions every year. Most of them hope that a higher education will help them get a well-paid job and very soon become rich. But is it really so? This essay provides some facts and will help you build your own point of view on this controversial question. Here are the points that you will not find in cheap essays or essays available for free, unless the former are custom-written by our expert.

Generally Accepted Image of Education

The notion of education has always been associated with success and prosperity. It is like a detail of a great mechanism, called society. Educated people are always believed to be successful and productive workers. A degree appears to matter too. The higher degree you obtain, the better opportunities for self-realization you have. If you get a Bachelor’s degree, you will have the clue to financial success in the future.

The Value of a Degree

Some say that you do not need a college degree, but you need an education. Today there are dozens of careers which do not pay much attention to a particular degree. The main point is that a worker must provide value and results. So, everyone is free to choose their own way. Some are satisfied with a high school certificate. Others need a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree to meet their needs.

However, a group of scientists conducted research which shows that Americans who had a higher education degree are 50 times more likely to become millionaires in comparison to those who just graduated from high school.

The More Educated, The Wealthier

Degree is very important. Getting it helps you develop your potential and personal growth. In most cases, your degree is the basis for your future income. According to the scientific research, families headed by someone without a college degree have lower incomes. Families who have at least one person with a college degree earn four percent more.

Some industries establish a direct connection between a degree and a salary. Others appreciate you for all your skills and personal qualities, not for the degree you have.

A lot of graduates take their degree differently. Some take it seriously. Others do not care. No matter whether you are working for somebody or you are running your own business: your education is invaluable, with all the skills and knowledge you have.

Does a College Diploma Mean Knowledge?

No degree, no knowledge, they say. A college diploma is considered the evidence that you completed an educational program and are an expert in this field of study. But sometimes, a holder of a diploma has no knowledge. Knowledge is something higher than just a degree.

The richest people of our world do not have PhDs. They just have good ideas. They are smart. If you want to be successful, you must know enough about the industry you intend to enter. The more information or knowledge you have about it, the more successful you will be.

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