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10 Reasons to Go to College (Besides Building a Successful Career)

  Lately, students have been talking about the topic of four-year college degrees. Young people frequently doubt if it is worth to spend so much time studying. 


Reasons to choose college


Yes, graduation increases the probability of a student getting a really high-paid and great job significantly, but that's not a sure thing. There are jobs with six-figure incomes that do not require you to have a degree. And you can get your big paychecks that way.

Nevertheless, one of our writers wants to show you ten reasons explaining why you SHOULD at least think about going to college. The article won’t discuss the topic of high salaries but other benefits a student can get.

10 Reasons to Go to College

1. Go for The New Beginning

A new beginning is sometimes the only thing you lack in your life. Putting away old habits and even old personality can be helpful. You get the chance to turn into a human you always wanted to become.

It works exceptionally well for young students who take a step from being children. The reason here is the possibility to evolve. It is time to step up to the next level.  

2. Go to Make Connections
Most of my best friends appeared in my life during my college studies. Friends are those people able to change the way you live significantly. Good ones will help you in personal growth. As for me, it would be impossible to imagine where I’d be if those people never appeared in my life.

3. Go to Learn New Things
The opinion that a degree does not guarantee you the preparation for the real action in terms of knowledge is frequently valid. Nevertheless, studying in college is the possibility to know more about something you really love. Give yourself some time to enjoy exploring your passions.

4. Master Finance Management
In some cases, it is a must-have experience, not just a bonus. In our times, many parents do much for their descendants, so their kids are less mature after graduating from high schools.

Numerous young people who graduated from schools never had working experience. They never had to pay bills or develop their financial skills. Responsible parents help their kids learn financial management, and college can assist too. Isn’t the previous fact the solid reason to attend it? 

5. Become Independent
Finance management skills will come together with the necessity of decision-making maturity. Your parents may be confused and worried about the freedom you gain, but you probably will be excited about it.

It’s one more reason to go to college: young people need to get that freedom and the possibility to begin making THEIR decisions. Parents should remain who they have been before, and help kids to make their first steps.

6. Become Active
Getting involved in Student Government is a nice choice for students interested in politics. Those who dream of becoming journalists can use the possibility to gain the first real experience from the college newspaper.

No matter what your area of interest is, I bet it will have a club in college. It is not just a possibility to discover things you find as your passions. It is also an opportunity to get real experience and insert it in the CV later.

7. Scene Decoration Changes
New places are the main reason for many people to go to college. Students from the North probably want to enter southern schools and get away from native cold regions. Other young people have the wish to look at the world different from their tiny towns.

Actually, a regular switch from a native home to a dorm of the local college is the massive change and a solid reason to spend four years there. Regardless of the place you go to, the point is you leave familiar things and locations behind. It is your first step in the way of exploring yourself and finding your place in this world.

8. Go in for Sports and Attend Games
A possibility to spend fewer funds on sports tickets is also a solid reason to go to college. Period.

Moreover, many of the famous professional sports players started boosting their career during college studies. Your sports successes are not only the way to get scholarships. They can bring you much more than you think.

9. A Reason to Find Your Real Self
As for me, I didn't know who I was before entering college. I did not have any thoughts about who I wanted to become or what excited me the most. To start my searches, I had to leave places, people, and old habits behind. Here is the shaped reason to go to college: it will become your starting point. Getting far away from everything you thought to be eternal as a kid is a trial, but also an opportunity. Use it.

10. A Reason to Have Joy
There are times when I become a bit upset. It seems to me that college was my greatest life period. It is not actually true, but I’d lie if I told you that I had no fun there. The experience and emotions I got during those four years will always be with me, and I’ll thank the world and God for that.


Reasons to attend college



Most of the reasons above still work for vocational schools or community colleges. Moreover, they are relevant to you even if you think about coming back to school. The point of the article is that you invest time in higher education not only to get a job with a bigger salary. You can get satisfaction and turn into a person you always wanted to become.     

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