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Easiest College Classes to Pick

Students mostly don’t like signing up for college classes. That stress can make even Jennifer Lawrence feel some emotions. Anger? Anxiety? Fear? All of them?

Sometimes gaps in college schedules appear, so students aim to fill them. Our great essay writers have created the list of ten easiest college classes to pick. The logic of their choice was simple. They included classes that will interest you but avoid overloading you with additional studies. So, if you need some additional hours in a schedule, you should consider these classes.


Easiest college classes


Sociology 101 

The perfect classes to pick along with other humanities. Their theories are all pretty likely to each other, but the thing above is mind-blowing. The knowledge about social changes, groups, interactions, and structures can be useful. It will assist you in communicating with family and friends. And possibly, you will become a great person who will change the world one day. 

Abnormal Psychology 

In addition to finding out the reason for Dexter to have that many sheets of plastic, this college class will give you much more. For instance, here you can find out more about the effect that alcohol, tobacco, and drugs cause to the human brain. The introduction to mental disorders and disabilities is also useful knowledge to have.


Go in for culture talks! One of the easiest college classes, music appreciation, is about discussing and studying the history of the subject, the way people have been making music throughout years, its styles, differences around the world, etc. Maybe, you’ll even be able to recognize particular modern composers. But the best thing is the doors of most on-campus concerts and performances will be open for you. That’s great!

Film History 

To say honestly, film history and music appreciation are the two easiest college classes. The difference is, you watch movie classics instead of concerts and performances. Additionally, the teacher can be the “Lord of the Rings” fan just as you are. Tons of funny references guaranteed. So, why shouldn’t you choose this easiest college class to have some fun?

Harry Potter English

That’s a fun course in case English "classics" really irritates you, and you need some rest. Actually, the course is ideal for the English major and students who feel exhausted or burnt out entirely. If you are just a person willing to explore the favorite book series deeper, that’ll do as well. Probably the greatest feature of this college course is that the reading list consists of the Harry Potter series. You’ve most likely read it all.

Introduction to Japanese/Hindi/Russian 

Or almost any language having available courses. In addition to learning basic hints to use during summer abroad studies, you can use this knowledge to reach out to representatives of other cultures, countries, and continents. There also is a saying: "As many languages you know, as many times you are a person." So, when learning even the basics of any new language, you make a considerable step in self-development by widening your skills.

Physical Education Classes 

In case you want to spend some time working out, these easiest college classes are your best choice. There is often a possibility to go in for step aerobics, volleyball, basketball, or soccer. In addition, ice skating, swimming, or sailing can also be available. No matter what, the easiest college classes of physical education don’t require much studying but give you a chance to get fit and find an excellent emotional charge. You only should find sports you like the most.  

Anthropology 101 

In case you ever imagined yourself as Indiana Jones, we’ve got good news. Take your super-hat and a whip, and let’s go find some treasure chests of ancestors. The knowledge about the evolution of the humankind as living organisms is a treasure, isn’t it? See how humans have changed throughout history as species, and try to imagine how difficult it was for them to preserve our civilization at the very beginning. As the easiest college class of anthropology will approach its end, your wish to leave for a foreign expedition would only get stronger.


Public speaking easiest class


Public Speaking 

In the world of digital communication and privacy, people frequently underestimate the value of public speaking skills. The easiest college class of public speaking has a huge potential to use it in your future. For example, the knowledge you can gain there would help you become more self-confident and articulate. And finally, you will get a great job because modern employers like confident and educated workers much more.

Art History 

Would you like to stare at beautiful pictures throughout the day? Then, explore Instagram as pre-digital people knew it. The easiest college class of art history will teach you to distinguish artists of different styles, time periods, and whole art eras. That may sound boring. But once you try, you won’t be disappointed.


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