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Learn British English

Great Britain

Anyone was faced with this dilemma: which language to choose – British or American. On the one hand, we all want to be fashionable and modern, so the American version attracts with its slang words and bright idioms. In addition, the Americans greatly simplified the grammar and phonetics. On the other hand, the British version is a classic. We do not want to refuse tested sounds and vocabulary. We give you some good reasons for studying British English below. But this does not mean that we adhere to a certain point of view and try to impose it on you. As usual, you are free to simply study the material and make your choice by yourself.

Certain prejudices have always existed in the most diverse spheres of human life and very often either prevented movement towards the goal, or stopped this movement altogether. Everyone who studies English probably has an opinion that the British version is a complicated aristocratic version of the tongue with complex grammar and rather archaic vocabulary. How little do we know about it!

The British Language Today

In fact, within the British branch, three of its subspecies have already formed. The first option is really aristocratic, and in the truest sense of the word. It is the tongue of Parliament and the royal family. It is used at official receptions, at meetings, etc., and is called conservative.

The next variety is the tongue of society according to the accepted standards of received pronunciation (RP). It is also called the BBC language, as it is the standard, first of all, for the press.

But the English youth did not want to lag behind ultramodern Americans, so the advanced branch appeared –  the most modern direction of the language. The latter option is flexible, mobile, rapidly developing. It was thanks to the youth that the brightest idioms and slang expressions appeared. The British do not avoid Americanisms: they are happy to use new-fangled words in their speech. Advanced is similar to the American dialect with its sound and simplified grammar.

In all schools of the world, one learns exactly the national standard of English – RP. This option is considered a classic. And, in spite of the fact that the concept of "business" is closer to America, business English refers to all the same RP.

Thus, the British version of RP is the universally recognized tongue of business communication and press.

Why Is It Worth It to Learn British English?

As you can see, British English is not so outdated, even on the contrary: it is developing, supplemented with new words and idioms.

If you decide to study English and there is a dilemma which dialect to choose, it is better to stop on the British version. Why? Here are some serious arguments:

  • British English is a classic that should form the basis of your language skills. If you want, you can supplement your stock of information with Americanisms, Australisms and another vocabulary of various dialects. It will be easier to do this, the vocabulary still needs to be replenished constantly, because in any tongue, in fact, new words appear daily. At schools, universities and most courses, British English is taught and it is done for good reason. A solid foundation makes it possible to easily improve the knowledge of the language;
  • Different dialects of English are not too different from each other. If you go on a journey and are worried whether you will be understood, we want to reassure you: you will be understood anywhere in the world. All the same, all varieties have a common vocabulary, grammar and principles of using tenses. In addition, foreigners are very loyal to people who speak their language, so do not be afraid to talk with locals while traveling;
  • British RP is the tongue of international conferences, professional and business communication. Mastering the classics of the tongue is highly appreciated by representatives of all nationalities, and in particular by the inhabitants of Great Britain;
  • In literature, the difference between British and American writers, as a rule, is erased, so reading authentic literature will not cause difficulties. Of course, if you read contemporary countercultural writers like Chuck Palahniuk and William Burroughs, you will need knowledge of slang, but most words, as a rule, you can translate without a dictionary, in context;
  • Even the ardent patriots of America admit that the speech of the British sounds smooth, has more intonations than their own. American accent is disliked all over the world. Somewhat abrupt and incoherent, it is quite hard to perceive by ear. British pronunciation pleases with its softness, melodiousness, clear pronunciation.

Benefits of Studying British English via Skype

  • You can find a certified teacher of English not in every city. If you are in the courses, be sure to ask about your teacher's certificate. Tutors who want to teach English via Skype are carefully selected by many criteria, so that you can study with an excellent specialist;
  • As a rule, the tongue is taught via Skype by those professors who have the experience of teaching students from 3-5 years. Such tutors know exactly how to submit material in an interesting and competent way so that you can learn the newest information as completely and correctly as possible;
  • The lessons of British English via Skype are 100% dedicated to your learning, so you have the right to demand from a tutor to study with an individual program. For example, if there is a desire to comprehend both British and American variants, you can ask for a special course for you that will cover both classical grammar and slang;
  • You will be able to master professional vocabulary. There is a strange approach: programmers are advised to learn American, and philologists – the British language. It is not right! It is necessary to study according to needs, as they say. Most computer terms really came from America, but without knowledge of the classical language, it is unlikely that a programmer or tester will be able to understand a client and a technical specification, which is mainly written in English. The same applies to philologists, they should strive to embrace the unembraceable – to master the maximum possible vocabulary;
  • If you want to pass the exam and get an international certificate like IELTS or TOEFL, choose a tutor who will pay all attention to your knowledge gaps, make the correct pronunciation and destroy the language barrier. In addition, a teacher will be able to deal with you with typical examples of tasks, to work out the necessary vocabulary;
  • Do you prepare for an interview? The courses are out of the question. Only a personal tutor can prepare you in the shortest time possible for this test of knowledge and nerves. You will learn how to talk about yourself in English, will know how to answer typical questions, get acquainted with the vocabulary of the sphere in which you want to work;
  • Fast studying will be useful for those who are preparing for negotiations with foreign partners. And it is British English that will be here at the right time.

As we have already said, there is not much difference between two versions. You have the right to choose what you like, the main thing is to decide and finally take up studying.

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