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Business Ethics Research Paper: Topics and Writing Recommendations

Business ethics

The range of business ethics issues is getting wider from day to day due to the fact that people and their environment are globally involved into various kinds of business. Beginning with questions like whether the company must be honest with its clients, it shifts to such general dilemmas as environmental protection and human rights. Also, business ethics contends with ethical conflicts between employers, employees, customers and their surroundings. Here you can find a number of topics for your research paper on business ethics and some helpful tips on business writing.

Topics for Business Ethics Research Paper

  • Should business corporations be responsible for protecting the environment?
  • Employee relationships as the main ethical principles of employer.
  • Should companies be honest with their customers?
  • International business ethics.
  • Business decision making and moral principles.
  • The moral judgments that have no place in business.
  • Basic causes of unethical behavior at the workplace.
  • How not to be a victim of employer’s unethical actions?
  • Psychological roots of business ethics.
  • Personal integrity and business success.
  • The role of moral leadership in business.
  • Everyday ethics at work: how to make right decisions?
  • Ethical failures based on leadership malfunctions.
  • Can ethical misstep lead to bankruptcy?
  • Who is responsible for corporative ethics in company?
  • The pragmatic approach to corporate ethics.
  • Kinds of daily ethical dilemmas at work.
  • How to organise structures controlling ethical issues at work?
  • Ethical values shared by personnel and an employer.
  • The problems of ethical decision making in big corporations.
  • Ethics for manager and personnel: is it different?
  • The business ethic values in industrial communities.
  • The concept of corporate responsibility.
  • How to keep balance between ethics and pragmatics: managerial methods.
  • Criminal behavior limits at large corporations.
  • Ethical codes: are they necessary for every company?
  • Types of white collar and corporate crimes.
  • The ethical codes in multinational companies.
  • How to avoid sexual harassment at the workplace?
  • Environmental concerns in business ethics.
  • Trade associations’ ethical codes.
  • The methods to adhere ethical rules at work.
  • Ethical standards and business principles.
  • The professional responsibility: excuses, ethics and crisis.
  • Philosophical approach to business ethics.
  • Psychological point of corporate ethics.
  • The challenges of decision making in business.
  • Cross-cultural business concerns.
  • Ethical conflicts: how to avoid arguments on religious, cultural, political and national basis at work.
  • Work ethics.
  • The effective teaching of business ethics.
  • Environmental policy and business ethics.
  • Ways to act, think, learn and fight with others at work in bounds of business ethics.
  • Business social responsibility.
  • Governing a corporation: ethical issues.

Writing Tips on Business Ethics Research Paper

  • Regardless of the topic you select, make sure that you focus your attention on one particular issue offering a reader the profound research on it.
  • The research paper must have a good structure. Check the requirements given by professor: there you will probably find what you are expected to complete. In case you do not have the exact instructions, make sure that your research paper contains such parts as introduction, literature review or background, methodology, results and conclusions.
  • When working with the literature you have selected for your research, you can mark the ideas or explanations you need with different colors or signs depending on what is more convenient for you and the materials you use (for example, a paper book or a downloaded article). By the way, if you have a draft plan of your paper, it could be really helpful to mark in which part or you would like to use this or that idea.
  • If you copy some lines from the original work of a particular author, you should provide them as quotations using proper punctuation marks in order to indicate that you don’t plagiarise smart person’s ideas, but base yours on them. When quoting other works, familiarise yourself with the requirements of the academic format you must apply to.
  • Stick firmly to the issue you have chosen for your research in order to avoid wasting your time, efforts and paper on things which are too general, obvious or are known well enough to repeat them once again. Of course, you should devote some part of your work to researching the background or conditions of this issue, but it isn’t worth concentrating on them too much.

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Top 10 Most Interesting Business Ethics Topics

Trying to sift through ethics paper ideas can be frustrating. If you want your research to be current, and you have no time to look through long lists, here is a quick compilation for you.

Social Media

There are multiple ethics topics for research paper you could get from social media. For instance, many companies monitor their employees’ online activity and can even fire them if they find it detrimental to the company’s image. You can use Google scholar to find business ethics research paper examples in this sphere.

There are also numerous ethical issue topics for paper revolving around the role of social media in politics. Here one of the principal controversies is the Russian interference in the US elections through platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

Surveillance vs. Privacy

Many businesses nowadays install cameras and computer software to supervise their employees’ activities. You could select ethical research paper topics in this domain by researching examples of many firms that adhere to this practice.

For instance, Marissa Mayer, a former Yahoo CEO, started to get rid of remote workers who did not sign in their server logs regularly. However, here the problem of privacy arises. To what extent can bosses watch over their staff actions?

Health Risks and Safety

You can pick some really fascinating ethics paper ideas in the realm of health and safety regulations. There are still many violations that most frequently take place in the construction industry. They are the absence of fall protection, bad scaffolding or exposure to hazardous materials.

You could use data collected by OSHA to discover most pertinent business ethics research paper examples. This organization is a great source of interesting business ethics topics.

Child Labor

Unfortunately, it is still a widespread phenomenon, especially among major corporations. Companies like Volkswagen, Microsoft and Samsung have all been involved in scandals surrounding child labor violations. Many of them shift blame to their suppliers and try to distance themselves from the issue.

Here you are able to dig up many ethics topics for research paper. You could explore the degree of responsibility such corporations should bear and the ethical issues that arise.

Environmental Damage

Here you have a high change of stumbling upon a cornucopia of ethical research paper topics. Climate change and environmental protection are nowadays at the core of many countries’ policies.

You could take a case of Volkswagen faulty software of cleaning car exhaust to research interesting business ethics topics. The outdated planes of traditional airlines which massively pollute the atmosphere also serve as a source for ethical issue topics for paper.


In today’s world of intense interconnectedness and globalization one research paper about an agency’s illegal activities or inauthentic claims could result in colossal fines and loss of clientele. This is a territory of abundant ethics topics for research paper and business ethics research paper examples.

Companies that try to cover up their illicit schemes often end up faring worse than those who acknowledge them and try to fix the system immediately. Well Fargo, a banking company whose employees created fake client accounts to meet reward targets could be used as a primary example in your research paper.


Businesses in the modern era are supposed to promote diversity and inclusion. However, quite frequently people fail to go beyond their human preconceptions and comply with the principles of equality.

This issue presents a wealth of ethical research paper topics to contribute to your study. For instance, even Google was sued by its former female employees because of gender discrimination. Other discriminatory practices revolve around age, religion, nationality, ethnicity etc.


Many businesses have been subject to harassment investigations including Fox News, Tesla and even Donald Trump’s companies. Just make a few clicks to obtain a plentitude of ethical issue topics for paper to conduct profound research.

Your paper should, however, be based on facts, and not on emotions. Use fewer opinion statements and more research data in your ethics paper.


Firms often pretend to be something they are not. For instance, much research indicates that tobacco companies often portray themselves as empowering and fun, concealing their obvious health risks. Philip Morris International markets fiercely in the developing countries, where state governments simply do not have enough costs to fight against the powerful corporation.

In the realm of authenticity, one discovers a great number of ethics paper ideas for research. You can discuss the ethics of huge corporations in emerging economies or the integrity in brand representation. There are many business ethics research paper examples in this sphere.

Working Conditions

Fair pays and benefits – this is what all employees crave. Nonetheless, not all businesses offer advantageous working conditions. Especially it is a problem in developing countries with few government regulations.

Long hours, little vacation and inflated demands – those are fantastic ethics paper ideas to research. It is hard in business to balance the necessity to keep labor cost low and at the same time not to discourage their workers from producing good results. This is a delicate issue to research.

Writing an ethics business research paper is not an easy task. You will need to collect an abundance of statistical data and analyse it in an unbiased, logical way. However, at Coolessay a team of professionals has got your back.

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  • zulkharnine sultana

    Business ethics: one should not disturbed whether customer or employees IN PROFIT MAKING.zulkharnine sultana

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