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Sociology Research Paper Topics

Various social contexts, human interactions and behaviors are studies by sociologists. Among the aspects in the sociological scope you can find religious, cultural, political, social and economic. If your task is to conduct research for sociological subject, you should limit your bounds in one facet that you will be able to elaborate and be persistent in following one direction of your scientific investigation. One more worthy note about sociology research is that this discipline uses acute methods and gathers scrupulous data. A positive thing in writing a research paper is that there is a range of various topics, so you can be sure to find something that you will be passionate about. Check the list of topics for sociology research papers, which we have prepared for you.

Topics About Different Types of Sociology

  • Methods of economic sociology.
  • Economic sociology elements.
  • Social factors in financial market.
  • Economic progress and sociology.
  • Peculiarities of rural and urban sociology.
  • Law sociology: regulations of community life.
  • Social perspective of legal theory.
  • Social science and legal realism.
  • Sociological view on law.
  • Sociological study about ideology.
  • Knowledge in sociology.
  • Epistemological discourse in social sciences.
  • Public and private knowledge: social aspects.
  • Difference between notions of knowledge and discourse.
  • History of American sociology.
  • Development of sociology in Europe.
  • Rural life: sociological aspects.
  • Sociological view on social rural systems.
  • Rural sociology and agricultural studies: scientific linkages.
  • The concept of work in rural sociology.
  • The view of rural sociology on employment and education.
  • Art and recreation in rural areas.
  • Sociology aspects of being a citizen of a big city.
  • Big city life and urban sociology.
  • City cultures.

Topics About American Society and Culture

  • History of American culture.
  • “Pursuit of happiness”: what does the term mean for Americans and non-Americans.
  • American dream: its components, interpretations and meanings.
  • Changes in American culture.
  • Does American society stay beyond the race?
  • Controversial issues in American culture nowadays.
  • Jazz culture and racial aspects.
  • Institution of family in American life.
  • What does the term “Generation X” mean?
  • The reasons for American dream betraying.
  • Is a higher education a component of American dream?
  • Sponsoring American dream.
  • American dream and capitalism.
  • Prejudices and myths about American culture.

Topics About Social Classes

  • The concept of social class: meaning, types and history.
  • Slave labor throughout human history.
  • The phenomena of slavery and phenomena of freedom.
  • The historical reasons of people becoming slaves.
  • Human trafficking and slavery nowadays.
  • The results of American slavery nowadays.
  • Does slavery influence national mentality?
  • Aristocrats in Middle Ages.
  • Noble life in Medieval Europe.
  • Aristocratism nowadays.
  • Feudalism and aristocratism.
  • European politics: populism and elitism.
  • Communist politics and elitism.
  • Elites in modern Brazil.
  • Liberal democratic society and intellectual.
  • Intellectuals in American culture.
  • Popular culture and intellectuals.
  • Political intellectuals.
  • Aestheticism and intellectualism.
  • The role of people representing intellectual professions.

FAQ on Researching and Paper Writing in Sociology

Students with a Professor

We have selected the most popular questions asked by college and university students when they are assigned to complete a research paper in such discipline as sociology. Above we have already provided the list of topics which you can use either as they are or as a base for working out your own topic. Now let us see what exactly you can do with the topic you have chosen and how to do it in a presentable academic way.

Should I Ask My Professor/Supervisor to Help Me with Choosing the Topic?

Actually, there is nothing bad or immoral in coming to a well-educated and experienced person and ask him or her to help you decide on the topic to study. Just take into account that before you do this, you should think about what you are interested in and what you personally would like to do your research on.

Can I Discuss the Writing Process with My Supervisor?

Definitely, you can. However, do not neglect this small piece of advice: whenever you want to consult your supervisor and whatever your issue is, make sure that you have a few ideas in reserve concerning at least your plans for the work on the paper if not some certain groundwork worth being presented. They will stand you in good stead if your supervisor asks you something like: “Well, what do you think you are going to do with it all, young man/lady?”.

Where Is It Better to Search for Literature?

Just put up with it: everywhere. Of course, the amount of available literature would mostly depend on your topic, but still both your college or university library and Its Majesty the Internet can help you with your searches. Also, you can ask your professor for some recommendations, or even your older friends who might work on the similar topic a few years ago. 

What to Do If I Can’t Find Anything Helpful?

Probably, firstly you could go back to the previous question. If it still does not help you, then you may try to change the topic. So, see the question below.

Can I Change My Topic?

There is nothing scary in it, seriously. What is more, some students may even change the topics of their theses after starting to work on the initially chosen ones. Just discuss it with your supervisor and explain your reasons. 

Do I Need to Conduct a Survey?

Again, it depends largely on your topic. When searching for the sources to base your paper on, pay attention to the methods which the scientists used. If some of them did conduct surveys and their results are available now, so you can do your own one and compare the results you will get.

What Do I Need for Conducting a Good Survey?

Well, you may copy the strategy used by that scientist whose survey you want to take as a basis for yours. It is actually a safe bet. 

When Should Write My Paper Plan?

See which variant is optimal for you: you can start working on the plan for your paper as soon as you sit down to type your first request on the topic in the Google; let it be just a list of the questions you want to find answers on, which will evolve into a plan as it should be. On the other hand, you may prepare all necessary materials and conduct the survey first, and base your plan on your factual groundwork.

How Many Parts Should My Paper Have?

Let us count together: introduction – one, body part – two (divided into subparts depending on how you present the topic), conclusions – three, references – four; appendices are optional. 

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