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Cool Topics to Write About


When you search for a topic to write about, you face hundreds of options, so it is quite easy to get lost. The situation gets worse if you want to get a high grade for your essay, because in this case, you should be extremely keen on the topic selection.

Let us give you a solution and offer a checklist of ways to sort out topics for essays. After that, we will discuss a few good ideas with a brief explanation of what you should write about as you start composing an essay on a given topic.

Sorting Out the Things to Write an Essay About

So, imagine yourself on the rocky beach. You need to find a good seashell that has so good shape that everyone likes it. Here is how to filter that mass of options you have when you must choose an essay topic to write about.

Forget About Writing on Broad Topics

Broad essay topics are not good, since you will not be able to cover them fully in a short paper. Prefer specific issues so your writing is concise, interesting, and catchy.

Get Rid of Popular Topics

Euthanasia, abortions, animal cruelty, school uniforms, and other topics that are the first to come into your mind – and appear in the search results on the web – must be forgotten. Everybody writes on those things. Your professor will sigh with despair reading another essay on a topic of that kind.

You will not be able to offer something brand new, and no one will get excited, surprised, or amazed by such topics to write an essay about. So, search for something special: unique things to write about exist. You will have a good choice of topics, believe me.

Essay on legalization of drugs

Writing on Out-Of-Date Topics Will Not Work as Well

There are events, issues, and phenomena which once were extremely popular, but now they are somewhere in the dustbin of history. Do not even consider those things to write about unless you want your essay to feel like old dusted furniture. Instead, pay attention to cool topics to write about, which have just popped-up in news, in talks on streets, on social networks pages, etc. They are bright, critical, and captivating.

Cross out Topics That Make You Sleepy

You should not write about something that is boring to you. You can be sure that your boredom will hide among the words and reach your reader. Instead, find the topics which make your eyes shine. Just like boredom, enthusiasm can be shared with others too. If you have already come up with such topic but are not sure that you will write an essay well enough, remember that there is always an option to get a paper at CoolEssay.

Formulation of a Topic: The Way You Write It Matters

Even a well-chosen topic may sound dull if you formulate it in such way.

The topic must be catchy. You’d better introduce it in the form of a question or a statement, offering a choice to a reader. This adds to the interaction between you and your audience.

You may also make the topic provocative and offer a statement that most will likely disagree with, so they will be tempted to read on to argue with the writer (you).

Make your topic a bit unclear on purpose. You may use pronouns to create the effect of incompleteness, so the readers may want to learn what you will write about. Once a reader gets questions, they are on your hook. However, do not exaggerate making your topic a totally unclear mess.

A Few Cool Topics to Write About from Experts

Following the abovementioned advice, let us offer you a few cool topics to write about.

Alternative Energy Sources: Which One Is the Best for the US?

Since the world is getting more concerned with the climate change, it would be a good idea to write an essay about alternative energy sources. However, not to make your paper vague, it is better to concentrate on real facts related to a certain country.

My suggestion would be to review the alternative energy sources in the USA and evaluate how effective and productive they are. Then try to choose the best one.

Unfortunately, no matter what hopes we pin on it, solar energy is not economically profitable without governmental grants and support. The weather is unpredictable, and infrastructure with equipment appears quite costly and ineffective. Similarly to wind energy production, the stations must set in rural areas only. So, these energy sources are far not the best to consider.

44% of alternative energy production refers to the hydropower generation, according to the 2017 Energy Information Administration report. The energy can be produced from big rivers and waterfalls, especially the Columbia River and the Niagara Falls. Dams have already been constructed, so all we need is to apply some equipment. It will not cost a lot if we compare it to equipment that the other methods of alternative energy generation require.

These factors make hydropower the best source of alternative energy in the USA. And this is what I offer you to argue in your essay.

Essay on alternative energy

Discrimination: Is It Fair to Treat Immigrants This Way?

You may argue that this issue is quite widely discussed. It is too popular to write about, so it will be difficult to say something new about it. My suggestion is to analyze a specific event that relates to this issue. This will make your paper informative and topical.

The event or rather the case that I would offer to analyze is the experiences of migrants in US custody. There is a good article that can be used as a source for writing.

The issues you should focus on are numerous breaches of the US constitution in the attitude towards the migrants on the southwestern border of the USA. Numerous physical and psychological impacts on immigrants’ health, partly caused by painful separation of kids (as young as 1 year old) from their parents and by poor living conditions, should be mentioned. Also, the general consequences of such attitude to immigrants may be discussed. You can mention the increased level of ethical conflicts as well as low social and financial level of immigrants’ life in the USA.

Environment and Politics: Who Supports What?

It seems like at least once every student has written an essay about environmental issues, challenges, prospects for the future, etc. However, it is much more interesting to look at the issue from the political point of view. How do famous politicians consider environmental problems and what actions do they take?  

Taking the USA as an example, we can mention President George Bush who emphasized the need to watch the greenhouse gas emissions in both developed and developing countries. His successor, President Barack Obama, considered the big role of the renewable sources of energy in order to fight the issue.

Unfortunately, it looks like Donald Trump denies the problem and is not going to take any steps in the directions similar to his predecessors. We advise you to review some articles from reliable sources to get more information on the actions of American oriented to the improvement of environmental regulations.

Essay on environment and politics

Tulipomania and Bitcoin: Find the Connection

Did you know that a beautiful flower, the tulip, could ruin the economy of a well-developed country? It sounds quite intriguing. And this essay topic will have the same effect on your readers. So, we suggest writing an essay about tulipomania as an economic phenomenon in Holland in the 1630s.

Tulips were becoming increasingly fashionable. Having this flower in the garden was a sign of belonging to the elite. So, the price on the flower had been skyrocketing.

The average salary in Holland was 150 guldens per year, and some kinds of tulips cost up to 1000 guldens. There were super-rare flowers that could cost 6000 guldens! Tulip sellers earned 6000 guldens per month. More and more people got involved in this business with the desire to get rich. There even appeared a futures trade: one could pay for a bulb beforehand to get it later.

Starting from 1634, the price on tulips continued increasing until 1637, when they were so expensive that no one could afford the bulbs. So, the price began falling drastically. Many were willing to sell the flowers to get the invested money back. And that contributed to the price decrease.

If you want to learn more about this economic phenomenon, refer to the books “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds” by Charles Mackay and “The Black Tulip” by Alexandre Dumas, père.

How does this phenomenon refer to the modern state of affairs? Often, Bitcoin (the most popular cryptocurrency) is called a bubble too, and people claim that the drastic rise in its price will lead to the significant decrease until the bubble bursts. Right now, we are watching the decline, but still the currency is becoming more or less steady.

Will it have the same destiny as tulips in Holland? What are the similarities and differences in the processes? This is the issue to discuss in your essay.

Fighting the World Poverty: Way Not to Consider

I was inspired to include this idea in the list of the best things to write about by the video presentation by Roy Beck. World poverty is getting worse, and this means that the techniques of handling it are ineffective. Therefore, you can critically analyze whether the USA takes the proper actions towards the solution.

The USA has welcome 1 million of immigrants annually since 1990, while 650 million people in Africa make less than $2 per day. The same issue is faced by 890 million people in India, 490 million people in China and 810 million people in other Asian regions as well as 105 million people in Latin America.

Therefore, the USA is not helping at all, since the population growth rates in poor countries are still high. Another concern is that the USA takes the best people from those countries, lowering their chances to experience a better life sometime.

This is a good thing to write about if you are talking about minuses of immigration and about modern social issues. And what other ways to fight the issue can you offer? Think this through and introduce your ideas.

Final Advice

So, when you choose a topic to write about for an essay, consider the narrow, super-trending ones that are the most interesting to you.

If you discuss the selected topic with your friend during the lunch break, and he/she listens to you attentively, you have made the right choice and are ready to write!

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