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Essay Writing: Persuasive and Argumentative Types


These types of essay writing are alike in nature and that’s why are often considered as the same thing though there is a huge distinction between them. While a persuasive essay depends more on feelings and reactions from the audience, an argumentative essay depends on the logic thinking and reasons. Let’s check both types in detail and then come to the identifying distinctions and resemblances.

Let’s Determine What Is What

The Former

A persuasive essay is commonly completed in a way to assure the people who read it to agree with author’s ideas and the way of thinking. In this case, writers can use their own beliefs and do their best to induce feelings in readers so to convince them in the fairness of author’s thoughts. Surely, a writer should do some research before writing and have some evidence to base his or her thoughts on but an essay of this type can be created without having a lot of accurate facts. While writing this essay the author should be aware of his or her audience in order to know what thought could look attractive to the readers. A writing of this type should evoke reader’s emotions rather than be proven by the dry facts only.

The Latter

Using basic words, we can say that an argumentative essay is commonly written to persuade a reader in a true origin of a writer’s idea or thinking. This type of writing is usually used when we want to protect or demonstrate our point of view. Authors cannot just explain their thoughts basing them on their own thinking only; while writing this type of paper a writer should search already proven facts before starting. It usually looks like a debate in a written form. The author should be well-prepared and aware of both positive and negative aspects of the argument he (she) develops and should prove all his (her) views by evidence.

Why Regarded as the Same Thing?

In both persuasive and argumentative essays, a writer is trying to convince the readers to agree with his or her ideas or the way of thinking. Authors tend to share their values share the facts they have in order to make their audience believe that their point of view is true and fair. Both of these essays are written in a similar way and should have the same structure, as well as a good amount of facts to prove the authors way of thinking. Later, we will check the differences between two essay types and examine ways of writing in the next part, so stay tuned. Till the next time!

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