Winners are who write history. Still, any situation, event or topic has numerous viewpoints that depend on the approach of the person trying to analyze and interpret them. Swaying the way of thinking or ideology is a tough task. So, the best thing one can go in for in this field is presenting arguments, logical proofs, pieces of evidence, and statistical data to show that the idea is worth attention and valid. Explanatory essays have this point as their main goal.

This text from authors will show you how to write explanatory essays. Let’s begin with the very basis: the definition of the explanatory essay itself.
What is an Explanatory Essay?
An explanatory essay is a kind of writing task supposing the author to present a particular viewpoint on some situation, happening or topic. The writer doesn't have to agree with that point obligatory but should conduct certain research activities and logic to ground it.
As a rule, authors choose topics on their own; after that, they find the unusual angle to approach the question or issue. The viewpoint is usually complicated: in such cases, there is enough space to discuss multiple of its aspects. Here authors state their chosen position and explain the reasons for their conclusion.
The widespread mistake of many authors: they think that they have to stand for one side in a kind of debate or to criticize someone’s viewpoints in explanatory essays.
But explanatory essay writing wants them to show a neutral view on the stated theme through the use of analytical, researching and logical thinking skills. The purpose of an explanatory essay is to deny confusion and explain clearly why certain events happened in a particular way. The point is, the reader should understand your point clearly after they read your essay, no matter if they agree with it or not.

Explanatory Essay: Things to Do before Writing
Do not skip the stage of conducting researches and gathering data before you start writing an explanatory essay. Remember, the viewpoint stated in the text should be combined with one's ideas and additional unbiased information taken from external sources. This combination validates thoughts and concepts. So, go in to researching the topic and get reliable references to support your way of thinking.
After the necessary data is collected, you need to state the explanatory thesis. Consider this step to be the most critical in the process of writing the explanatory essay. The thesis becomes the grounding point of the whole explanation. To say simpler, here you explain what you are going to show your readers. Keep in mind that it is not about criticizing things but stating facts in an unbiased manner.
After you completed both of the steps above, structure your explanatory essay in a draft.
Explanatory Essay Draft Outline
Depending on the topic and the data you need to show, the length and shape of the explanatory essay may be different. Still, taking the format into account, most essays are a page or two long so the length of the whole text will be nearly five paragraphs.
The introductory paragraph helps the reader see the discussion subject and the thesis of an explanatory essay. The main body part which follows the intro has to support the statement with reasonable arguments, statistics, numbers, facts, and so on. Everything suitable to help you prove your viewpoint should be placed here. And finally, the explanatory essay conclusion sums up critical points of the text to reveal the last statement.
Here below, we reviewed each explanatory essay section in details.
The introduction of an explanatory essay consists of three parts and guides the reader to the main content of the text. At first, you should interest the reader with a hook phrase: an unusual fact, suitable quote of a famous person or any thread to catch the attention of your audience will play perfectly here.
The next step: you should provide your readers with specific background data not being ordinary. It means you should find facts not known to everyone. The reader will understand which road you prepared for them, and the interest will push their mind forward towards the explanatory thesis, which will serve as the focusing point of the essay. The reader should know precisely what you are going to discuss in the main body after checking the explanatory essay intro.
Explanatory Essay Body
If the topic of your explanatory essay is not too deep and (or) wide, the main body should usually consist of three paragraphs, each focusing on a separate explanation aspect. Nevertheless, all paragraphs should have the same writing style. At first, explain what you want to introduce clearly in a topic sentence. Switch from one argument to another smoothly too.
After that, state an argument supporting the thesis directly. It is critical to use an obvious connection: the reader should be able to trace them easily. Then, show the proofs you got while conducting researches. Unbiased facts and statistics will strengthen your explanatory essay position and make a claim valid. The concluding phrase which should sum up the significance of your thesis position goes last. Keep up with the same scheme three times, and then have your explanatory essay body completed.
Explanatory Essay Conclusion
There are three points for you to keep an eye on when you need to write the concluding paragraph and finish the explanatory essay in the right way. At first, state your thesis once again here. You need the reader to concentrate on the main statement of the whole essay once more. Additionally, this move will strengthen the viewpoint you try to prove right.
Then, sum up three points supporting your thesis. The critical thing is to underline their value once again. The strength and reason of the whole explanatory essay will get its boost by showing that you protected the thesis with logic and correct approach.
And finally, provide readers with the general conclusion. It should explain the importance of the particular viewpoint you chose. Encourage readers to continue studying the topical subject by giving them an action call.
After this is done, your explanatory essay is almost over.

Polish it Carefully
There are some more steps required to make if you want your explanatory essay to be perfect before submitting it with confidence.
Clarify an Essay
The main explanatory essay target is to explain the event, happening or topic, so it is better to make sure that the text actually elucidates the problem to the reader and turns something complicated into more simple. You don’t want the reader to feel confused after they finish reading your explanatory essay, do you? Eliminate all potential questions they might have with the original text and its clarification.
Read it Once More and Edit Things
A single orthographic or grammar mistake may spoil the reader's impression from your explanatory essay totally. Look through the paper two, three, five times to correct all possible errors.
Ask Friends or Professionals to Assist
If the text looks excellent for you, it doesn't mean your neighbor will completely understand the explanatory essay you wrote. Ask your fellows, professors or supervisors to read the explanatory essay and give some final tips or offer corrections. You can also place an order for professional help here, on We are always online and ready to support you.