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Essay Cover Page

An excellent cover page is what each good essay requires. The reader pays attention to it first of all. So, if you do it properly, your readers will know that you are a qualified writer right after checking how it’s written.


Essay cover page


To create it for your essay perfectly, you should keep up with simple rules. This text by authors will show you what it is and which types of them exist.

What is an Essay Cover Page?

The cover page is the first page of a paper (students also know it as the title page usually). There, they usually ask you to place the data about your first and last name, the topic of the essay you wrote, the educational institution you study in, the publication date, and a running head (though it depends on format requirements).

What is it for? It is meant to make your paper look formally and provide the reader with actual and relevant information about the person who created a text, when, what for and where.

Not every essay requires a cover page to be attached. Most frequently, it is needed in papers made according to APA style demands, but still, it is not always a necessity. Usually, a teacher will mention if it is required for your essay or not in task instructions. A cover page is frequently not demanded even in case of essays in APA format. Still, sometimes it turns out that way profs want to ask students to make a “perfect essay” according to all the books, so knowledge about how to create it might be wanted.

Note: do not be too anxious or feeling yourself as a fool when thinking about including the essay cover page into your paper while not being sure about requirements. Professors won’t dock you points only because of the unnecessary page included. Nevertheless, in the opposite situation, when it was required but not done, that will become a problem. So, act in advance: if you aren’t certain about the cover page being needed or not, just include it into the paper. It’s better to be safe instead of being sorry.

Precise details on requirements are stated in the demands of the formatting style used. For instance, an APA format is a bit different from that of an MLA style. The same thing words for Chicago style used in essay formatting – it looks different, too.

Still, the existing differences are slight in most cases. Generally, every essay cover page has a clear and simple design.

Types of Essay Cover Pages

The format of the paper determines the type of the essay cover page. As we mentioned already, APA cover pages will look slightly different from Chicago or MLA. The way you format your essay will dictate the type of page you will have to make. Never mix formats, just match them. Keep up with the certain requirement list to be sure that your paper is done correctly.


Cover page style


To say it all simpler, do not provide an APA style essay cover page if the paper itself is made according to MLA requirements. The same thing goes for Chicago formatting: do not mix APA or MLA with it. You should use a single stile throughout the whole essay, from its first letter to the page with reference links and sources.

The use of essay cover page writing is not limited only by making your paper look more official and formal. It can help you get used to the need to keep up with formatting requirements of different styles – this is something you will definitely need as a student.

Note: the cover page is usually not needed for an essay which is 2 to 3 pages long. Still, if a long paper is what you need to write, consider giving it a title page for sure.

Design of Essay Cover Page

The design of such elements is usually straightforward and as simple as possible. Due to that, it is better to avoid using different text colors, effects, border types and other decorative things to make it look more attractive and bright.

Remember: the point is that the design should contain only text info and not pictures, photos or funny icons. This works for all formatting styles.

Note: make sure you are familiar with the freshest up-to-date style manuals. APA, MLA, Chicago and other formatting styles are being updated routinely, making students adjust to new demands. So, you better double-check that.

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