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Friendship Essay: Topics and Tips on Effective Writing

Friendship essays are often assigned at high school and college. The peculiarity of this topic is that the angles from which it can be viewed are various and can modify the type of the paper. For example, a friendship paper can work as a personal essay when you tell about your best friend or any friendship experiences you had. Also, it can be a paper on Psychology when you pay attention to different issues raised by friendship. This can be a reflective paper on Philosophy if you review friendship as an abstract notion. We have prepared some writing tips that will help avoid the common mistakes in friendship essays and the list of good topics on friendship for you to benefit from.


Tips on Effective Writing

  • Friendship is an awesome topic but we recommend that you make it narrower and more specific. For example, you can discuss the male or female friendship, compare friendship and love or get some sociological issues involved in your friendship paper.
  • Since all of us have come across with the concept of friendship at least once in our life, we have our personal impressions and opinions on it. You should remember that the essay is a piece of academic writing, so you are required to provide an objective and unbiased position regarding the issues raised.

    To Do

    To Avoid

    Add your personal life stories.

    Do not use colloquial words and select maximally brief stories.

    Express your point of view.

    Be tolerant and do not express your emotions too brightly.

    Use examples to support your opinion.

    Do not include too many examples. Remember that they are not central points in your essay writing.

    Personal opinion

  • The best essay is the one with arguments supported by examples and facts. Considering that you may provide your personal life examples, we recommend that you should be careful with them and make sure that they suit to the context. In case you do not have an appropriate example, you can take into account the statistical data, examples from works of literature or movies, real life facts, which you can find in various sources.
  • Regardless of which type of paper you complete, make sure that it possesses a clear and coherent structure, so all your points and arguments can be fully understood by the reader. You should treat your audience as a friend. It is necessary to care about how captivating your essay is and why someone should be interested in reading it till the very end.

Topics for the Friendship Essay Examples

  • Is men’s and women’s friendship the same?
  • Why do best friends become worst enemies sometimes?
  • Is it easy to hurt your friend?
  • Your best friend.
  • Are you a good friend?
  • How to be a good friend?
  • The components of friendship: patience and respect.
  • Is having the same interests good for friendship?
  • What are the best circumstances for people making friends?
  • Harmony in friendship: how we can achieve it.
  • Envying your friends: the causes and effects.
  • Does lifelong friendship exist?
  • How to deal with stalking friend?
  • Why does friendship sometimes turn into disrespect?
  • How can friends avoid quarrels?
  • The best day spent with your friends.
  • The place where you like to hang out with friends.
  • Friendship and honesty: how they co-exist.
  • Friend’s advice: do we have to follow it?
  • Offending friends and apologizing.
  • Online friendship and dating: are they the same in real life?
  • Dangers and benefits of online friendship?
  • How to be friends with someone with different religious beliefs?

There exist many more topics on friendship. In case you want to find the ideas that would suit your interests best and find the perfectly completed friendship essay examples on them, you are welcome to place an order with CoolEssay.Net

Types of Essays on Friendship: Ideas on Managing Them Easily

Friends Playing Chess

Actually, the type of your essay and the topic you choose for it can be mutually determined. It’s okay if you have just raised your eyebrows. Let’s make out what we mean here.

As you know, there are several essay types which differ from each other mostly in the general purpose of writing and the way of presenting the chosen issue. So, if you are assigned to write a particular essay (let’s say, it should be an argumentative paper and not any other one), it can be much easier for you to present all your considerations as well as to select and structure the arguments which would support them.

On the other hand, if you have decided on the topic for your paper and you know how you are going to present it to your reader, it becomes possible to approximately determine the type of this paper. Again, this will help you to build the essay in a neat academic manner, because you understand what you want to say and how you should do it.

Now let’s move from theory to practice.

Narrative Essay

You can write about the most memorable day you spent with your friend or his/her most significant deed which might had great influence on your relationships or your personal worldview. Tell you reader some background details like the time and place of the main action and explain why you store it so carefully in your memory.

Descriptive Essay

As the name suggests, you can describe your friend’s personality, highlighting all its specific features which attract or amaze you. However, try not to turn your essay into dry enumeration of standard good personal qualities. Your friend is definitely unique, so prove it with composing a nice rich story about him or her.

Definition Essay

The concept of friendship is quite complex and can be viewed from very different angles. Of course, it isn’t necessary to include them all into your paper making it look like an article from Wikipedia. You can choose those which are the most acceptable for you and analyse them thoroughly.

Writing About Friendship

Given the fact that essays on this topic are ones of the simplest assignments that you can get at school or college, you can find very few materials on the Internet that would help write such an essay properly. This is wrong since writing about friendship continues to be a creative work, in which you can face certain difficulties and pitfalls.

You need to think about the structure. Many believe that in order to write an essay about friendship, they just need to tell a story from life, praise their friend, boast of their longstanding friendship and finish with some kind of optimistic note such as "friendship will conquer all". But no, it is not enough. If everything was so simple, the task of writing an essay about friendship would not get into the curriculum. Such an essay would be regarded as rather a stream of consciousness and would not carry any meaning.

An essay on friendship is an indispensable part of many programmes and continues to hold its positions. Why is this type of essay so important? What is its meaning?

Friendship essays, like any other essays, are built in accordance with the three-part form. It includes the introduction, the main part and the conclusion. The second part is the middle of the work should feature the biggest length. In general, the introduction of an essay, along with the conclusion, should be as short as possible. They usually take 30% of the entire text. The main purpose of the essay introduction is to acquaint readers with the topic and bring them up to date. The main idea will be revealed in the main part. And the conclusion usually sums up everything that you mention in the paper.

By the way, it is better to draw up a plan when writing about friendship. Split it into several paragraphs and write several keywords that will help you navigate within each of them. Looking at them, you can remember what else you want to write in your essay. So, you won’t miss a single important thought.

These are quite standard points everyone knows about, but not everyone uses them. The classical structure of an essay must necessarily be traced in friendship essays.

Let Us Talk About Friendship Essay Titles

This is another issue that is often overlooked. Meanwhile, the titles play a very important role in potential perception of your essay. You need to come up with a name that accurately reflects the meaning, that will not be too cumbersome and will demonstrate your understanding of the importance of the topic. If you approach this issue responsibly and even arrange a small brainstorm to select the best friendship essay titles, the result will not be long in coming.

We have already said that when writing about friendship, you have to remember the classical structure of the text. This will help you find the right direction for your imagination and thoughts, without chaotic dispersion of incoherent facts. Essay on friendship can be started in different ways. Some start with abstract reflection, some immediately begin to describe a certain situation, immersing a reader in the world of their memories.

For a better understanding, we offer you a friendship essay example. More precisely, an example of an entry to the essay:

"We use the word “friendship” so often in our everyday routine. Sometimes we pronounce it without even thinking. What does it really mean?"

Writing prompts about friendship sometimes include a more analytical beginning:

"During the long history of human development, friendship had different contents, interpretations, but I could not find a single formulation. I agree that this concept is born spiritually, as a need of an individual to reveal itself more fully. The type of friendship always correlates with certain features of a person. Let us refer to psychology to consider this issue deeper".

Such an introduction is considered really good for an essay on the given topic. Firstly, it immediately sets several questions. As you can see, at the very beginning, you do not need to mention your friends who you want to tell about. At the beginning, you need to set the tone. Thanks to it, you no longer need to think what to write next, in the main part. You write an essay about friendship and you just have to answer questions that you pose yourself. Secondly, this introduction immediately clarifies what will be discussed further, which is also important.

You can find any other friendship essay example and see how authors prefer to start similar texts.

So, we have already made out what a friendship essay is. There are many topics that you can develop in your essay.  But if there is the introduction, it means that you have already decided on the main questions.

An essay on friendship must necessarily contain statements and proofs. This work teaches us to reason. And this process is usually accompanied by attempts to prove the truth of your opinion. Remembering this principle, we can find another example and look at its main part:

"Without friendship life can hardly be called fulfilling. Yes, we can have acquaintances. But each of us needs a friend. After all, this is a person who can always support us in a difficult moment".

If you take psychology as a basis, then it can look like this:

"What is friendship from the psychological point of view? All its worldly definitions are metaphors. Each of them highlights a certain foreshortening of the problem. "Comrade friendship" implies the existence of joint activities and common interests. "Mirror friendship" emphasises the function of self-knowledge, and a partner, in this case, is given the passive role of reflection. "Compassionate friendship" implies emotional empathy. "Interlocutor friendship" highlights the communicative side of friendship, self-discovery and mutual understanding. "Alter ego friendship" implies both assimilation, likening the other to yourself, as well as identification – likening yourself to another, self-dissolution in another".

"What is friendship?" essay can be written in this way. When you write an essay about friendship, you have enough freedom for creativity and thought. Nobody forbids a student to write about his or her own experience. The main thing is that the text should have a meaning and develop the given theme.

The conclusion should be as concise and capacious as the introduction. It can look like this:

"Friendship is sacred. Everyone who has a close friend will confirm this. You should have someone with whom you can be yourself. And to know that you are accepted and loved".

Now you know writing prompts about friendship and definitely will be able to write a good essay.

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