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How to write a conclusion for an essay?

A conclusion is usually the last paragraph in the paper, the purpose of which is to sum up the arguments stated in the main body, show that the research was completed and the results, which were gained. The additional functions of the conclusion can be stated as setting a question and showing the perspectives for the reader; in other words, the conclusion should not only show the readers what you have done but also make them think about other aspects, consequences or possible effects of your research. There are several techniques of writing conclusion and we have prepared a brief guide with explanation of the main points in writing.

Part 1. Key points of the conclusion.

  • A good conclusion must reflect the strong and balances arguments, which you mentioned and discussed throughout the essay;
  • The conclusive points should match the discussion you developed previously in the paper.
  • In case you have developed a full-fledged arguments not just a one-sided support of your opinion your conclusion cannot only declare your answer to the topic question. The conclusion will reveal different parts of the subject.
  • Remember that simply expressing an opinion is easy but developing and reasoning it are the factors which you get the grader for.

Part 2. Going back to the introduction.

  • It is a good idea to pick up a topic that you started with in your introduction. This will provide a good cohesion for your paper.
  • What is more, the reader will get a feeling of a full circle and everything in your essay is on its place.
  • Some of the instructors require that your conclusion includes a restated thesis statement – this is how you will show you have proved your judgment.

Part 3. Implicating perspectives for future.

  • A good conclusion should provoke the reader to think.
  • One of the ways to do this is to sum up your points from the essay and restate the thesis.
  • Moreover, you can set your theme into wider context and show its function and the role of your research.
  • A great method of thought-provoking is to indicate the unsolved issues and the effects which may have been caused. Your predictions about the topic should interest the reader.

Useful tips:

  • You should get your readers satisfied by demonstrating in the conclusion that they have observed a discovery made by you and have read a worthy piece.
  • In case you have used an anecdote, a saying of the famous person, curious fact you may remind the reader about it. As is can be a thing which will tie up your essay together.
  • Try not to be repetitive: do not write again the details you have already stated. You should rather synthesize them and present as a new piece of information, which gives a sense of completeness and opens new perspectives for the audience.

In fact, the conclusive part should be the easiest for writing if you do not omit any of pre-writing stages, such as interpretation of the question, research and planning. It will flow logically in case you are able to operate your arguments consciously.

Keywords: conclusion for an essay, conclusion for a paper, conclusive part, tips, sum up, argument, writing, essay, paper.

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