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How to write a good essay: basic steps

Essay is usually a chance for student to reveal his original way of thinking and skills in written English. Also, this type of work allows you to demonstrate the knowledge inside and outside the subject. If you have a good reading experience, know many interesting facts here you will be able to apply them. S number of guides for essay writing exists and all of them are useful, however, in our article you will read the tips how to make your paper outstanding and improve your skills in writing.

  1. 1.       Purposes of essay writing.

In order to write efficiently the student should realize what and why is expected from him.

-          Knowledge: essay helps to reveal what you know about the subject, if you can manage analyzing, comparing or synthesizing concepts.

-          Understanding the question: teachers will also check your ability to comprehend what is needed from you.

-          Working with sources: you have to manage analyzing the recommended sources and apply new acquired knowledge to your subject of writing.

-          Argumentative writing: the student must be able to defend and support the judgments he/she develops and prove their validity in comparison with counterarguments.

  1. 2.       Good essay components;

-          Original way of thinking.

Your topic cannot seem a brand new for you and 20 more students from your class are writing the essay about the same thing but be sure that expressing original view is still possible. In fact, some of the papers require providing just a description or an explanation, position papers will give an opportunity to accept only one of two existing positions, nevertheless, the approach to using the material and proving your ideas, examples, data you include must be specific and, certainly, different from your classmates’ ones.

-          No odd words.

This point touches upon two factors: the required word count, exceeding which you may lose the grade, and providing relevant information. Make sure that you understand what is needed from you and give the precise response. Do not add your reflections, general information or things you just would like to talk about if they are not needed.

-          Perfect English.

Such a small thing as an error with spelling, grammar or punctuation does not influence the plot greatly but still it has an impact on your grade and general impression about the paper. You may provide brilliant ideas so make sure they are in perfect language shape.

-          Include visual patterns.

Some papers allow providing some visual pieces of information such as diagrams, graphs or tables. This is an extra work but it will give you two pluses: your essay will be remembered better by you and the professor and, no doubts, it will be appreciated in additional points to your grade.

-          Citing.

By citing and proper referencing your essay you show many positive facets of your skills. First of all, you demonstrate that you really do research about the subject and work with the required sources. Secondly, you reveal your ability to comprehend, analyze and synthesize the information. Thirdly, you are able to connect it with the subject and, lastly, to reference it in a right way.


Keywords: good essay, perfect, paper, steps, rules, tips, writing, citing, referencing.

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