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How to write an autobiography essay? Definition and guidelines

  1. Definition.
  • An autobiography essay is a brief piece of writing, possibly, in the form of report.
  • It differs from a biography essay, which reports about somebody else’s life, by the Fact that here you should tell about yourself.
  • This kind of writing should reveal the writer’s point of view on his life.
  • There are two key options of writing an autobiography paper: you can sum up all your way but also it is a good idea to concentrate on a certain experience, achievement or an exciting moment.
  • Despite the fact that the autobiography is a nonfiction genre, it should be expressive and well-written. Do your best to trigger some emotions in the reader – this is the only way to make him care in your essay and life.
  • it is allowed to use the first person – “I” – for this type of writing as it will give an opportunity to the writer to specify his own reflections, views and evaluations.
    1. Writing guidelines.
    • Note that essay is a genre which does not require too much writing which is why it may be hard to explicate all the aspects of your life. For this reason, it is better to focus on one facet (family, career, education etc.), which you are able to reveal the best.
    • You may expound some of mistakes you have made and show the way you solved the issue to the audience. Remember that one of the autobiography essay’s functions is didactic. It should teach or show the example for the reader.
    • The manner of writing should stay clear and precise throughout the whole paper. Make your essay flow logically. Some of the facts may be understandable for you without saying as this is your life, which is described but reader may need a clarification. Thus, make sure each of your statements is supported and has a background.
    • As you are writing about real events you should provide true information. However, do not make your writing too formal, it should sound as a story.
    • The must-haves of a successful story are: a hook for the reader in an introductory story, interesting plot, dynamic character and the conclusion, which shows a perspective or gives a question to the audience.
    1. Tips for writing.

    Different sides and periods of your life can be depicted. Here are some tips how to give a fresh look for them.

    • Family background: do not just tell when and where you were born. It is a better idea to write why you were born in that place. Also, you may provide some information about the culture, history or traditions of your native region if you are able to link them with your family and they have had an impact on your life or way of upbringing.
    • When you are writing about your childhood try to point out the features or events that are not ordinary but distinguished you among other children.
    • Culture is a facet that is worth special attention as it explains your values and beliefs. Here you can indicate and explain the holidays you celebrate, customs and traditions followed, your favorite food, the way you prefer to dress, language that you speak and so on.

    These are some of the steps you should follow in order to complete a successful autobiography paper. Remember to keep your writing clear, original and personal as these features will guarantee you a high grade.

    Keywords: autobiography essay, paper, writing, story, biography, tips, guide, requirements, guidelines.

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