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Writing a Descriptive Essay About a Country: Japan

Japanese Landscape

Writing a descriptive essay is one of the most interesting tasks to do. However, if you still have troubles with it our online essays will come to help you with the writing process to assist you in exploring your writing skills and improving them.

Whether you have visited this fascinating country with breathtaking landscapes or just having it in your plans, we will be glad to give you a great example an excellent writing about a country, specifically about Japan.

What Is Essential to Know When Writing a Descriptive Essay?

Unlike any other type of essay this one is aimed to depict the author’s own perception of the investigated object, using all kinds of senses. That’s right, it is your sensual ability to get acquainted with the place and transfer your own image of it into the paper so that the readers feel the same when reading it.

This is a special type of paper when your own impression and thoughts matter the most, when scientific language will not do its job but only vivid words and expressions that are to trigger the reader’s imagination. Therefore, the more epithets and metaphors (and many other literary devices) you choose to insert the brighter and more interesting your essay will be to read.

What to start with? A notion.

As our objective for this essay is a country, namely Japan, you will get the main tips and hints from us specifically on this topic. A good essay about a country should include a general image of:

  • Main information. Short common information to get it started;
  • Landscape – nature, sounds of flora and fauna, tactic senses;
  • people – voices peculiarities, hospitality, appearance;
  • architecture – symmetricity, look, special features and differences from your ordinary surroundings;
  • cuisine – taste, look, traditions, ingredients, colors;
  • holidays and festivals – music sounds, colors of clothes, people’s behavior etc.

It can have economic situation, history and other details; however, it is not obligatory and not so important for this kind of essay. The primary notion is to transfer your own feelings to your essay so that people will gladly read it with pleasure.

The structure is known, but we will gladly state it here for you not to get lost in the complexity of tasks. So, here it is:

  • Introduction. Keep it brief and condensed, however your goal here is to catch the reader’s attention with the first lines as soon as possible. Make it bright and intriguing clarifying the objective you are to depict in the next few paragraphs;
  • Main body. It may contain a few paragraphs in which you consequently number the most sparkling and fascinating details of your trip to another country (no matter imaginary or the real one). Use as much sensual perceptions as possible in order to indulge into the atmosphere of a new place.

Try to describe your experience precisely but dazzling and lively so that nobody will get bored while reading it. Point out some details that were especially memorable (either while walking or surfing the Internet);

  • Conclusion. Wrap it up with a few worthy expressions of your trip and add a few mentions and hints for those who will want to visit it too.

After you have finished do not forget to check it on grammar, spelling, lexical and other kinds of incorrection and to be even more confident ask a family member or a friend to read it and give you their opinion mark. If you do not want to reveal it, just read it aloud to yourself to make sure it sounds harmonic and does not contradict with any part of essay.

A Great Example of a Descriptive Essay About a Country: Japan

Rising Sun

Today I want to tell you about a country of my dream – Japan. It is an island country situated in Eastern Asia. Another name of this country is "Land of the Rising Sun" which is clearly true as people of it have always been fascinated by the power of the sun which gives us warmth, light and make every living being grow and develop.

When I first got to know this country, my heart was bumping with excitement as it was so beautiful and different from any other I knew. The cultural difference – that is what amazed me the most. Due to its long period of isolation Japan has obtained unique features in culture, music, architecture, dance, theatre and lots more.

I had a unique chance to visit Japan during the summer festival when people could wear their traditional clothes gather with families and visit temples or simply entertain themselves.

It is a country of two worlds, where the first one is fully technically developed with innovations in all spheres of life and globalization of cosmopolitan cities, the other one is tangled with traditions and customs, sliding doors were a scoop for me to be honest and the sound of cicadas in the summer night can still be heard in my head.

People here are friendly and hospitable. Even if they are a bit closed when it comes to new people, when they invite you for a dinner it means you are a good friend of them and you always can rely on them. I got to know so many interesting words like kawaii, sempai, arigato, ohayo etc. by lots of friends whom I met there and they all explained me the meanings of those words, so now I am even closer to this country and its philosophy of life.

A traditional cuisine deserves a special place in my essay. I fell in love with little onigiri, that resemble me sea deliciousness covered in alga and have such a unique and specific place in my taste preferences. However, the Japanese cuisine has another specific dish like natto – fermented soy beans which not every foreigner will dare to try.

A Japanese philosophy is a complex of Chinese and Western impact but with originally Japanese contributions. Buddhism had a great impact on the philosophy, Japanese people appreciate calmness, purity, placability and good nature.

To sum up, I want to recommend this country for those who love calmness, philosophical wisdom and hectic Hi-Tech life as both of these can be found here. It is a land of possibilities. A land of opportunities. And I am glad I got acquainted with this country.

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