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Myths About English Ruined


Knowledge of a foreign language has long been transformed from pleasant advantage into necessity. It makes no sense to deny wide spread of English in all spheres of our life, because it is the universal language, which is communication key to any sphere. In connection with this, there is a growing number of different methods of learning it as well as a number of disputes about what is more effective. Nevertheless, there are still myths that prevent many from mastering it and create difficulties in communication. We propose to destroy these imaginary obstacles once and for all.

1. I Am on Bad Terms with Humanities, Need to Have a Special Mindset for Learning English

This misconception sits in your head and prevents fluent and confident language proficiency. While you are thinking about the difficult way to learn English for managers, your colleague from the neighbouring department already receives a foreign delegation and makes presentations in English. Speed and effectiveness of tongue learning are influenced by a number of factors, but self-confidence is the most important of them. Do not hold back your ambitions, learning English is not the easiest thing to do, but it is within everyone's power! Boldly overcome all barriers, good luck is on the side of resolute people.

2. First, You Need to Learn the Tongue, and Then Start Using It

"There is nothing worse than speech with errors".

Undoubtedly, mistakes in speech and inability to quickly find a right word upset. But how do you understand that you already know something if you do not try to speak English? Try to use every new word you learn, use every opportunity to communicate with someone in English. If you hear mistakes in your native speech, do you inform your interlocutor: "There is a mistake in this phrase" or "When will you start placing the emphasis correctly?". Most likely, no, because it does not interfere with your process of communication. The tongue is something "alive" between people and not a collection of rules in a book on grammar. Communicate boldly and confidently, walking from word to phrase.

3. You Can Learn the Foreign Tongue Completely

Perfect knowledge of the language is an ambiguous concept. It all depends on your goals and frequency of use of English. First, you need to make a proviso: you are engaged in the language, but study speech, that is, a certain set of phrases that are used in situations you need. The language in its entirety exists in a book version, and what people use is speech. Based on this definition, to feel that you "know" the tongue, you need to stop experiencing difficulties in using it. So, to communicate with friends in informal situations, 1000 words are enough. For communication in a professional sphere, special terminology is required, the volume of which depends on a field of use.

Nevertheless, by reading new articles or books, looking through news, you will constantly meet unknown phrases or new grammatical constructions. It can upset you, because you want to "speak fluently" and do not want to use a dictionary. But here are two facts. First, the language does not stand still, it constantly develops, and a lot of new words appear daily. Secondly, rejoice that you have something to strive for and what to master in the language. Agree, it becomes boring when you realize that there is nowhere else to grow, the limit has been reached. You can reach a certain level when you do not have difficulties in using the tongue, but you cannot know everything perfectly.

4. In Adulthood, Only the 25th Frame Method, the Accelerated Course for 3 Weeks or Hypnosis Will Help Learn the Foreign Language

Fantasies of many students of English draw this picture: a small chip with English is implanted under our skin, and tomorrow we are fluent in any subject, and the problem of learning the foreign language does not bother us anymore. Alas, this is just fantasy, and reality proves the opposite. Firstly, many polyglots studied languages as adults, which means that nothing prevents you from learning at any age. To succeed, adults approach the case consciously and responsibly, not like children.

Learning goes perfectly if you are doing your favourite thing: play a computer game or watch a popular program in English. This greatly speeds up learning process.

If these "magic" methods gave real results, language schools would have been closed long ago. But the amount of non-traditional "medicine" in English is growing due to emergence of new naive enthusiasts who want to quickly learn this language.

5. You Can Learn English Only in Language Environment

Have you ever wondered why people who live 4-6 years in England or the United States use services of interpreters, for example when visiting a hospital? It would seem that they live in environment needed, here you have television, and native speakers, and English-speaking friends, but the language has not moved off dead centre. On the other hand, there are people who do not live in English-speaking countries and are fluent in English.

Being in the right environment allows you to quickly operate with a set of words necessary for survival. A high level of knowledge by itself will not appear if you do not make efforts and methodically engage in the language, learning new vocabulary, developing your own speech. Passive learning of English is an idea like Eldorado: no one has found it. Environment will not help without work.

6. Homework Is an Unnecessary Routine, You Can Learn the Tongue Without It

Unfortunately, quick and effective achievement of a certain result is impossible without independent work. Lessons with a teacher several times a week are not enough to learn material confidently. If you give 20-30 minutes to homework, look for new words or series in the original tongue, then this will significantly increase the level of knowledge and you will quickly enjoy the positive result.

7. English Can Be Easily Learned by Yourself

Availability of resources on the Internet is amazing with its wealth: word cards, a lot of tutorials, express courses, mobile applications, groups in social networks, blogs, audio courses ... But something prevents everyone who wants to learn the tongue on their own. Sooner or later, attempts end with meeting with a teacher, there is progress only after that. Self-study of the language requires a high level of self-organization. But this is not the biggest drawback of such a method of study. The main thing is that when you study independently, there is no control on the part of a teacher. You do not know whether you pronounce words correctly, can you say this way or it is better to use another phrase. In addition, self-study does not develop conversational skills, mainly it is studying of grammar and writing, perception of foreign speech by ear.

Of course, someone can help you at a language learning forum, but the systematic study of English requires control from a teacher. In case of lack of time, you can always learn English online, which significantly shortens duration of studying and allows you to get knowledge in comfortable home environment.

8. Individual Lessons Are the Best Way to Learn English for Everyone

Individual approach and maximum attention to you are very important for the speedy learning of the language. Nevertheless, it is important to communicate with as many people as possible: this improves understanding of foreign speech and serves as excellent training in perception of new words/phrases/timbre of a voice. You get used to one teacher, you easily understand his or her intonation and pronunciation, but after all, communication is not limited to just one interlocutor. Therefore, try to communicate more with those who learn English, with native speakers, English-speaking tourists. When travelling abroad or contacting foreigners, all people will not speak as your favourite teacher, so from the very beginning, it is important to get used to different voices and speeches: from children's speech to lisping speech of pensioners. This will help you understand people in any situation.

Remember that all people are different, someone needs one way of learning, someone needs the other one. Start with your own preferences.

From time to time, it is useful to change your teacher, let us say, every six months.

We hope that we managed to destroy these myths and instil confidence in you. Forget about misconceptions. Learning English is an exciting and accessible occupation. We wish you successful learning!

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