Coolessay Blog

Secrets of Colorful English


We really want to convey our thoughts to the interlocutor as accurately as possible. In this article, we decided to talk about the "sparks" that will help improve your English speech, make it the most similar to the speech of native speakers.

We will tell you what words you need to replenish your vocabulary and what grammatical phrases you need to learn to speak naturally. But before this, we want to give you one important advice: to learn how to speak as a native speaker, you need to speak more often with native speakers. The rule "tell me whom you live with and I will tell you who you are" in this case works for you in a good cause: during dialogue, you will "pick up" various phrases, slang, turns, peculiar to live oral speech.

And now, let us figure out what you need to learn to speak English as a native speaker.


Have you ever wondered why some foreigners consider us too serious? One of the reasons is that the English language is famous for its lively and emotional intonation, while the other tongues are calmer. We speak more reservedly, and because of this, it may seem to foreigners, who are unfamiliar with the peculiarities of our language that we are not interested in the subject of the conversation. Therefore, we advise you to try to observe the basic rules of English intonation when speaking English.

Where to get the material:

  • Special tutorials

Try to deal with books that help set the correct pronunciation and intonation. However, keep in mind that you should work with such textbooks with a teacher who can listen to your speech, evaluate the pronunciation and intonation, and give clues about what you need to work on.

  • Any movies and series

Almost all native speakers are very emotional in order to more accurately convey emotions. When watching the favorite episode of the series or sensational blockbuster in English, pay attention to the tone, with which people utter questions, affirmative sentences. Of course, at first, such emotionality may seem strange and odd to you, but you will get used to it in time. Try to pronounce the phrases with the characters, this fascinating exercise will help you greatly improve the pronunciation.

Synonyms of Words

As you move towards higher levels of knowledge, your vocabulary should grow and fill with complex vocabulary. You should know more intricate and vivid synonyms for familiar words like bad, good, etc.

More complex and vivid synonyms help us more accurately convey our emotions, provide more information to the interlocutor about the subject of conversation, because there is a huge difference between just a good and exciting film.

For a natural conversation, you should learn synonyms, but use them moderately, otherwise your speech will sound unnatural.

Synonyms exist not only to adjectives, but to the rest of the parts of speech. Let us look at a few examples where synonyms help express thoughts more accurately.

  • To like to be keen on

I am keen on singing.

  • Chances the odds

The odds will betray him.

  • To want to feel like

She feels like having a rest.

  • Why how come

– I cannot help you.

How come?

I do not agree with your decision.

Where to get the material:

  • Our blog

We often write articles that help increase vocabulary.

  • Dictionaries

Many dictionaries give synonyms for each word.

  • Special websites

On many websites, you can choose a synonym for any English word. And the synonyms are divided into groups and are selected for each specific meaning of the word. Enter any word in the search box, and you will see synonyms for its different meanings.

  • Textbooks for vocabulary replenishment

Books for studying vocabulary are guided by your level of knowledge and help complicate speech in a good way: make it more expressive and beautiful. In such textbooks, you will find synonyms similar to above-mentioned as well as phrasal verbs, idioms and another vocabulary for complicating your speech.

Phrasal Verbs

These are the very verbs that we do not like to study. But they need to be learned, because native speakers prefer them to usual verbs.

Where to get the material:

  • Movies and TV shows

In English, there are up to 6,000 phrasal verbs. Fortunately, not all of them are used in the speech, so it makes sense to learn the basic ones. And it will be a simple task if you study them with your favorite movies and TV shows.

  • Special textbook

Textbooks are excellent sources of knowledge. The books explain the rules and context of using each verb, gives many examples and also exercises to improve knowledge. Of course, it is best to work with such a textbook with a teacher who will explain the incomprehensible moments and teach you how to use phrasal verbs in speech.

  • Online resources

On different websites, lists of phrasal verbs with explanations of their meanings in English as well as examples of use are presented. There are also tests with which you can test your knowledge. Add resources to the bookmarks and learn at least 1 verb per day.


Idioms are the "pearls" of speech, and there are up to 25,000 such pearls in English. Such expressions help make speech more lively and expressive, more accurately convey thoughts, put more emotions into them.

Where to get the material:

  • In our blog

We regularly write articles about the idioms of the English language. In them, we tell stories about the origin of the most unusual expressions, explain the rules of their use and give examples.

  • In the manuals on the study of idioms

There are books that deal with the most commonly used idioms of the English language. The authors explain their meaning and give examples of their use. There are also practical exercises for working through the received knowledge.

  • On special websites

There are websites that review one English idiom every day. They explain its meaning, give an example of its use in the dialogue as well as the audio recording of this dialogue. In addition, some idioms are accompanied with an excerpt from the film in which they are used.

Other resources suggest you entering an expression, the meaning of which you want to know. As a result, you get a detailed explanation of the meaning of the idiom as well as examples of its use in different contexts.


Surely, you already know that English words are combined with each other in a certain way and literal translation is not always possible.

By and large, you will be understood if you make a mistake, but it will sound unnatural, wrong. Hence, the conclusion: want to speak as a native speaker – learn collocations.

Where to get the material:

  • Dictionaries

To understand the words with which other words are combined, look into the special dictionary. Enter any word, and you will be shown with what words of different parts of speech it is combined.

  • Special tutorials

With the help of special textbooks, you will learn popular phrases on different topics. There are many practical exercises in books that will help fix useful phrases in memory.

Slang and Informal Expressions

We advise being cautious with this phenomenon of English. Slang is an acrid condiment that makes speech delicious. But, you see, the use of a spicy seasoning should be moderate and it is certainly not worth adding it to all dishes. So, slang will be relevant in an informal conversation, but not at a business meeting. But in a conversation with a friend, one should not use too many informal expressions, otherwise, your speech may sound like a speech of a poorly educated person. Remember that too much of a good thing is good for nothing.

Where to get the material:

  • Dictionary of slang

The most complete and famous dictionary of English slang is the Urban Dictionary. On this resource, any user can add a new word and an explanation to it in a common database, so that the dictionary is replenished every day. Note that the vast majority of the vocabulary contains definitions from the category 18+.

  • Special applications

Install applications and learn slang in any convenient place.

  • Unique sending

You can subscribe to the "Slang of the Day" sending. In this case, a letter will be sent to the email daily, in which the meaning of one slang expression is revealed, and an example of its use is given.


We think that all the students of English are well aware of constructions like I wanna/gonna. In such a simple way, native speakers cut phrases I want to/I am going to. And there are more and more such abbreviations in English every year. They are often used in movies, serials, everyday conversation, so they must be known. We should notice that the abbreviations are undesirable to use in the official conversation, leave them for informal one.

Where to get the material:

  • In modern songs, films, serials

A good source of modern vocabulary is songs, films and serials. Almost in all the masterpieces of cinema (and in third-rate films too), you will meet the abbreviations, and in large numbers, because oral speech is simply unthinkable without them. Pay attention to the context in which this abbreviation or another is used, how it is pronounced, try to imitate the speeches of heroes. Gradually, these little useful words will firmly settle in your speech.


Inversion is a topic that frightens many English learners. In fact, inversion is a violation of the standard order of words in speech. But it is necessary to be able to break this order. You cannot just mix words. And we advise you to learn how to do this, because inversion will help make speech more emotional, emphasize something, etc.

Where to get the material:

  • Advanced grammar tutorials

Inversion is a rather difficult grammatical topic, so we advise you to study it in a good textbook, where there are not only theoretical rules, but exercises for working through.

Other Intensive Constructions

Emphatic or intensive constructions is a construction that helps emphasize one word or another, adds emotionality and expressiveness to your speech. Inversion is one of the striking examples of emphatic constructions in English, but there are others beside it.

Where to get the material:

  • Advanced grammar tutorials

And again, you will receive assistance from good grammar books. They contain many constructions that help strengthen expressiveness and improve spoken language.

Well, the work plan is outlined, now you just have to follow it, gradually improving your speech, decorating it with "sparks" like idioms and phrasal verbs, and sometimes adding "delicacy" in the form of slang words. Speaking in English as a native speaker is possible, and it is up to you whether you will achieve this goal. We wish you success!

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