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Misspelling: No Troubles Again

Thoughtful Girl

In our life, when an education isn't an opportunity for wealthy people only and is available to anyone, a clever writing plays a very important role. No one wants to bring themselves in an awkward situation, but each can mention some moments, when their own misspelling created problems, does not they?

Why Is It So Important?

Firstly, when your interlocutor sees a stupid mistake, he understands it as an evidence of a misunderstanding and an illiteracy of his companion. Just think: you can hide a great potential, but it will come to naught if the interlocutor immediately notices your weak side. It is very difficult to erase such impression, especially if mistakes are a continual phenomenon for you.

As a result of the previous, a respect to you can also decrease. A literate person decidedly causes sympathy and illiteracy causes contrary feelings. If interlocutor considers that you're worse than him, he can contemptuously treat to things that you say in the future. It is good when it's a one-time, informal conversation only, but what if not? A close friend can just disregard this issue. However, a business conversation is another situation. If you do serious things, you have to take your writing seriously as well. Do you want to be in an uncomfortable situation?

Frequent Mistakes

Text with Mistakes
  • There is a short list of mistakes that people make most often. So, let's see what words we should keep in mind.
  • Lose/Loose. ‘Lose’ is opposite to win and ‘loose’ means something not tight.
  • Their/They’re/There. ‘Their’ is in a possessive case, meaning it owns something/ ‘They’re’ is the contraction for ‘they are’ and ‘there’ refers to a place or idea.
  • Your/You’re: these both use the same rules as ‘their’ and ‘they’re’.
  • Its/It’s. ‘Its’ is indicating possession, when ‘it’s’ is a contraction for ‘it is’ or ‘it has’.
  • Effect/Affect. Most of the time ‘effect’ is a noun and ‘affect’ is a verb.
  • Weather/Whether. ‘Weather’ means show, rain, sunshine, etc., and ‘whether’ is used as a conjunction or pronoun in the sentence.
  • A lot. Some people like to write as ‘alot’. Always leave a space here.
  • Than/Then. ‘Then’ is used for time, and ‘than’ is used for a comparison.

How Can You Help Yourself?

If you agree that the problem exists and have decided to do something with it, then my congratulations: the first step is done. Let's consider specifically what you can do in this situation. How many books do you read? Admit honestly. Many of people don’t have a time or a desire to take a tutorial and memorize a bunch of boring and often incomprehensible rules that then, without excessive practice, forgotten very easily. However, any book from shelves of art culture can easy supersede a tutorial. Each of them passed many stages grammar, spelling, syntax and other inspections, thus, you should be quiet for the correctness. Our brain automatically stores all the information from the text, its construction too. Subsequently, by writing your own texts, you will wonder where you know it's right or not.

If you already got the nasty comments, don't worry: it is an experience. You need to pay attention to every mistake you have noticed. In the future, you won't do this anymore. In any case don't be afraid to search for more info and explanations! On the Internet, you can find a rule for any occasion. But, in any case, the most important thing is just to be careful. Undetected error, even if you made it by accident, it is still a mistake. Be careful and conscientious!

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