Many people believe the studentship is the best period of life. In contrast to a pupil, a student is an adult who continues to study to get a higher education. Often the student is not burdened with children, serious work, so they try to extend their youth. The studentship usually evokes positive emotions, tremulous memories, colorful events and, of course, frank laugh. However, as a rule, life is difficult, and even during the studentship, a student meets difficulties.
High Time to Get Prepared for Adult Life
Many graduates know exactly what the term ‘the studentship’ means, but there are also students who did not understand the exact definition of the word. The studentship is the best time to dedicate time to oneself. It`s high time to learn, to work, to entertain, to elicit the potential and the talent. A university gives students any opportunities for their personal development. It remains only to choose something after their own heart. Someone prefers to bury himself in the books; someone dedicates their time visiting different clubs like dancing, football, hockey, etc. However, the university is a kind of school of life, which teaches students to be persistent, to have a strong spirit. After university, the young and ambitious professionals with a special zeal start to build a successful career and achieve the most undeniable heights. The studentship is what gives a start in life.
Facing the Challenges
The university is also a place where there is competition, enemies, picky professors. Everyone wants to have the best marks, the best knowledge, the best friends, or simply to be the best. Less successful students may envy more successful ones, but the jealousy is a bad feeling, which must be disposed of. The competition is the motivation to work on oneself, to overcome difficulties. Each student has to understand it because after university they will meet more complex tasks.
Great Responsibility

A lot of future students promise to themselves that after passing the exams, they will become ideal students. It is extremely important for the reputation of the university and personal development, and the own promises (even to oneself) always need to be kept. Unfortunately, the worse things happen, and today the yesterday’s graduates become a gray mass of the student community. It’s a pity, because especially during the studentship, it is necessary to make progress, to demonstrate the oratorical talent, and profound knowledge. Without this, it will be difficult to adapt to life.
It is useful to take everything from life when you are near 18-23 years old. If you do your best during the studentship years, you won’t regret about these years.