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Why Do You Have No Friends at College?

Students Talking

Despite most of the young people find that college years are the best period for making new friends, not all of them can realize this in reality. Why? In the majority of articles, movies etc., student have fun with their buddies from day until night. So, teenagers expect to make a lot of new contacts and build strong relationships with people on campus. The reason why they fail with this and then stay lonely is that most of these students make no efforts to meet someone and start being friends. They find that someone should make the first step to the development of relationships. However, it rarely happens in the real life that a freshman gains hundreds of friends while doing nothing for it. So, many students encounter a question of right behaving at the college and ways of attracting people. We compiled several useful ideas in this article, which may be helpful in making new friends and show you the main reason for your loneliness.

Bad Teamwork

Usually, college lessons include a kind of teamwork, when students have to cooperate with each other to get a good mark and complete their tasks. If you do not respect your teammates and act apart from them, you will probably fail the common target and your fellows will be angry on you. The way to prevent such an issue is very simple. Just do not act separately: it is not writing a college essay or doing any other individual task. Your personal attainments in a case with team tasks and projects play a very small role. So, it is better to pay attention to supporting your teammates and building a good strategy to reach your common goal.

No One-on-One Meetings

People on Campus

Usually, teenagers prefer to meet up with someone in huge and noisy companies, for example, in the classroom or during a college break. You will not greatly attract anyone in the most cases. Moreover, you cannot discover this person as individuality if you have no one-on-one meetings. As a result, close relationships are impossible to build. You definitely have to invite someone, who can probably become your new buddy, to go out in any nice place: malls, cafés, cinema and so on. In this way, you will know each other better and have more opportunities to build close relationships. 

Too Many Limits

If you are a freshman and you want to make some new friends, it will be a truly bad idea to focus only on a certain area or community: for example, your classmates or roommates at a dorm. Avoid such limits in case you really want to meet someone to share your interests and hobbies. Do not try to meet someone only in your dorm or on campus at all. There are many young people, who may become your friends, away from your area of communication. The main point is not being afraid of changes and opening new horizons. 


Teenager Is Shy

It is true that the majority of young people suffers from shyness, especially while getting to a new place and seeing lots of unknown things. This is a normal reaction but it should be reduced if you want to reach some friends. You probably have some childhood or school buddies and your relationships are very close. How did you meet them? In the most cases, students will answer that they do not remember it. As a rule, school friends are so close to you because of your parents’ good relationships or studying at one group for several years. Unfortunately, a situation is different at college: you will stay lonely if you are too shy to communicate with people around freely. It is a common issue when a freshman cannot say a word while someone starts a talk with him. Other students do not appreciate enclosed and quiet teenagers as a rule. 


Sometimes, young people find themselves better than others, for example, the rest of their groupmates. Such feeling of the superiority leads to a bad attitude of your fellows: no one likes overconfident and disrespectful people. So, it is significant not to show your bragging and prevent being a smug. Moreover, do not forget that students do not appreciate teacher’s pets. You have to adapt to your new collective but not become its leader during the first day.

All in all, being lonely at college means the absence of fun and entertainment in the most cases. It is truly hard to enjoy yourself if no one invites you to parties and other social events. Of course, having many friends on campus promises you a lot of amusing opportunities. Sometimes, these contacts may be useful for getting a job after graduation. So, do not make these typical mistakes, which are the reasons why young people fail to find new buddies at college. Live a full life while studying and open yourself for other people: you will see how helpful it is for your self-development and improvement. We hope that this article demonstrated you the main reasons why students have no friends at college and you will prevent these issues in your life.

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