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Research paper on alcohol is useful for defining the problem

Alcoholism is an addictive behavior in which an individual becomes dependent on alcohol. Many alcoholism research articles have been written because of how the behavior is critical in the society. A research paper on alcohol conducted by American Psychological Association revealed that alcohol contains ingredients that make it addictive to the users. Alcoholism is a dangerous behavior because it makes the body dependent on alcohol to the extent that an individual might not function effectively without taking it.

Causes of Alcoholism

Research paper on alcohol tells about how to cure and prevent this illness

There are various factors that lead to alcoholism. Genetic inheritance is a major cause of this behavior whereby people from a family that has a history of alcoholism are at higher risk of abusing alcohol. Various alcoholism research articles have shown that alcoholics are seven more times to have blood relatives with alcoholism problem. There are stress hormones associated with alcoholism whereby if the level of stress goes high many people take alcohol in order to blank out the problems they might be going through. Peer pressure also leads to alcoholism especially if one has friends who drink excessively. The peers have the ability to influence one to adapt to such excessive drinking leading to alcoholism. Other causes of alcoholism include depression, media and low self esteem.

Symptoms of Alcoholism

The research paper on alcohol conducted by American Psychological Organization showed that alcoholism affects an individual physically, socially and socially making. Alcoholism is demonstrated by development of various behaviors that an individual might not have demonstrated before. There is development of relationship problems from the family to peers because of excessive drinking leading to poor social skills. Such problems might also be caused by poor finances management because all the money is spent on alcohol and also development of the urge to drink at all times making an individual loss concentration of daily duties.

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