Sociology is a discipline that deals with all the spheres created by people and in which people take part. Therefore, when choosing a topic for a research proposal you should consider such aspects as culture, traditions, family life, communities, social groups, various activities, customs etc. Here are some tips for selecting the research proposal topics in dissertation writing:
- Remember that your topic should be disputable: you need not just to describe some issue but to find possible ways for its solution.
- In order to get your reader interested in your research proposal you should feel excited about it as well, which is why we recommend you to select the topic which you are passionate about.
- The third requirement to the proposal topic is your ability to present in-depth knowledge about the chosen research subject. Thus, you should select a topic which is familiar for you and into which you can do research. Before you start writing, check if you can get access to the sources about your particular subject of research.
- Be precise in what you are studying. You must narrow a broad topic into a specific focus that can be properly covered in your paper.
Topics for research proposal in sociology:
Topics about education.
- Dress code in educational institutions.
- Should students wear a school uniform?
- Dress code for teachers.
- The functions of uniform in schools.
- How school uniform can help in developing a feeling of modesty and moral qualities?
- Mandatory tests and their impacts on student’s cognitive skills.
- The best ways to develop memorising skills at school.
- Co-existing of different social group representatives at school.
- Should authorities allow subcultures in schools?
- Issues of switching from high schools to higher educational institutions.
- Impact of standartised tests on student’s mind and self-esteem.
- Student – teacher relationships.
- Cooperation of teachers and parents in the student’s upbringing.
Topics about culture.
- How do literature bestsellers influence people’s tastes and reading priorities?
- Should fine arts be a mandatory subject at school?
- Influence of assimilation in different kinds of art.
- Cross-cultural experience in art.
- The methods to develop a good art taste in people.
- Influence of mass literature.
- Do we need to have literature for mass consumers?
- The purpose of modern art.
- Can contemporary art teach us anything good?
Topics about health care
- The moral issues of abortion.
- Birth control: pros and cons.
- AIDS / HIV ethics.
- Mandatory health care insurance.
- Should doctors be responsible and punished for their mistakes?
- Doctor and patient relationships.
- Issues of taking care of disabled people.
- Children obesity and ways of decreasing it.
- How to advertise healthy lifestyle?
- Male VS female obesity in the USA.
- Using drugs in medicine.
- Sports and drugs.
- Pros and cons of establishing mandatory health insurance for citizens.
- Advantages and disadvantages of quitting smoking.
- The most effective ways of healing flu.
- How to avoid visiting doctor too often and stay healthy.
- The intercultural issues in nursing ethics.
How Not to Be Wrong When Choosing from Sociology Research Proposal Topics
Have you just noticed the title of Jordan Ellenberg’s book? If you haven’t heard about his “How Not to Be Wrong”, I strongly advise you to find and read it! Although he’s a professor of math at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and writes about the usefulness of this science in our everyday life, his magnum opus definitely can give you a few interesting hints on research in Sociology.
Still, let’s go back to the topics for your research proposal. You can see there’s a great many of them. How to know for sure what sociological issue is really worth researching? How can you foresee whether you’ll deal with the choice you’re going to make or not?
Hope you don’t feel now that you made a mistake when you took this course in Sociology. Research proposal writing is actually a great thing for your bright future in academia. So, let’s check what you should pay attention to when you face the large variety of Sociology research proposal topics.
- What needs more investigation and work in the issue you want to choose
Sociology is a broad and deep discipline. It has many facets, as it studies our society and the way we live. So, don’t grasp very general topics. Find an aspect you are particularly interested in, select one clear direction and write your research proposal basing on it.
- Why you think it’s worth researching, reconsidering and analysing
The answer to this question will make the core of your research proposal in Sociology. You should prove to your professor, advisor or the admissions officers that your work is worth their attention because it reveals something new or provides any rational alternative to what is already known by experts in Sociology. Make sure you have reasonable evidence to support everything you’re going to write about in the proposal.
- How you’re going to do the work and why your methods will help
Your understanding of this question will help you cope with giving the reasons for the importance of your potential contribution to Sociology. If in a research proposal you manage to explain how you will do what you want to do, you’ll be able to make your discerning audience see why it’s all needed. To do research in Sociology you are welcome to apply both general scientific and specific methods. The topic you’re choosing determines them. However, make sure you stick to them when working on the issue and writing the research proposal itself.