Do you need assistance for writing a global warming essay thesis? There are writing companies that have professionals who can provide you original quality essays, research papers, term papers, theses, etc, on various topics to meet your deadlines. Essay services can help you write the quality global warming research essay. The following points may be included in your paper.
Global warming has seriously blown up a great concern all across the world. Carbon dioxide, methane and other gases produce a warming effect by greenhouse process. Infrared heat energy radiates from the warmed surface of our earth. The excess heat is radiated to earth through the atmosphere, which makes the atmosphere further warm.
The amount of carbon dioxide in the air is only 0.03% and the presence of methane is just 1.7 parts per million. Scientists have predicted that there will be 1 to 5 degree C rise in the global temperature in the coming 100 years.
We will write your global warming research essay from scratch without plagiarism
However, it may not directly be so severe to kill the animals, yet it can cause major ecological disorders, reduce crop yields, affect plantation that most animals depend on.
All human beings and animals emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Use of energy for lighting, heating, running appliances and machines relentlessly adds to carbon emissions. Automobiles directly burn fuel causing most of carbon emission.
You can help the environment by reducing the carbon dioxide generation and adopting "GO Green". The trees convert carbon dioxide to oxygen through photosynthesis. The plantation of the trees is critical to prevent global warming.
Another important way is to reduce the use and avoid wastage of energy. Use 'energy star' rated appliances and recycled products.
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