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An Essay on Criticism Analysis: Writing Help

Be sure that critical analysis is one of the types of writing, with the help of which you can acquire a number of useful skills. First of all, it teaches to think objectively and critically about the certain matters. Secondly, it gives you an opportunity to train your analyzing competence. Thirdly, this is how you will be able to become skilled at summarizing: every criticism analysis should start with short summary of the work, which is being discussed. Find more hints about each of the writing step
Step 1. Summarize.

  • Summarizing means extracting the most essential ideas from the text or any other work and present them in a coherent way.
  • The very first and important requirement to summary is conciseness. You have to shorten the primary source and restate it in your own words.
  • Sometimes you should use citations and references in order to support your statements and prove that they are true.
  • Consider who your audience will be and point out those features and details, which are likely to be interesting and significant for them.
  • If you introduce some information from the book or article you should use the last name of the author.
  • Typically, the present tense is used, even though the past tense is meant in the summary.
  • Be careful and don’t turn your critical analysis essay into the summary. It should take only a paragraph if your essay is not extended.

Step 2. Analyze.

  • Analysis can be defined as a very specific examination of the components of your subject. The writer is supposed to divide it into minimal parts and clarify their meaning, connections, purpose and effects.
  • The component of your subject of writing should be explicated in details.
  • If you are analyzing the text consider the following points:
  •  Theme, which the writer reveals in his/her work
  • Symbols used in the book: usually those are the images which represent some general concepts like good, evil, love, religion and so on.
  • Characters should be paid enough attention too. Usually, they are the main doers of the action in the text, which is why they are making the narration dynamic. Identify the central and peripheral heroes and their functions. Also, there is a number of archetypical characters, such as a martyr, a villain, a hero, a traitor.
  • One of the tools, which are frequently used, is allegory. It is a pattern, which contains more than just one meaning. Usually some material things, animals or people denote insubstantial concepts.

Step 3. Criticize.

  • Once you have stated the main points of your writing subject in a summary and clarified the role of each element it is time to evaluate the work in general, using the results of your previous research.
  • Basing on the proofs, answer the following questions:
  • If the writer is clear enough;
  • If argumentation is used in logical order and can be easily understood;
  • If there is a conflict in the work that you have been assessing;
  • If you can find any traits of writer’s personality in the work that he has completed;
  • If the work is authentic, original or innovative.

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