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How to Learn English with the Help of Songs

Singing Microphone

What is the secret of successful English learning? Maybe it is all about decisiveness and perseverance?

Or in talent, which is given from birth?

Do not be in a hurry to despair!

The main secret of success lies in the fact that learning English should bring you pleasure, and your favorite songs, curiously enough, can help you in this.

What could be better than learning English from the songs of your favorite artists? It is fun, useful and rather unusual. This is a simple effective method that does not require any effort.

What Are the Advantages?

Singing helps improve pronunciation. Of course, we do not suggest you pronounce the words in a sing-song manner – it would look strange. Why do we offer you singing as a technique for improving pronunciation? Proper pronunciation requires certain actions from different muscle groups. During oral communication, we also work with the muscles, but the situation is slightly different in the case of singing, we try much harder to make the sound clearer. This is a real development of the muscles of your vocal apparatus, which can be compared with exercises in the gym to inflate the muscles of the body – thanks to this "gymnastics", you will be easier to talk in real life.

Singing creates confidence. What is confidence? Performance, whether it is singing or speech, seems overwhelming for many people. So, if you will fight it in yourself, then it will not be so scary to speak a foreign tongue.

Singing helps memorize words. You hear new words in a new song and you will quickly learn them in context, which, accordingly, facilitates the process of memorizing words. Song is the best option for a child to study different groups of words. Pop songs are a pleasant way to learn a lot of interesting expressions, idioms and turns.

It has long been known and proven by scientific facts, how useful and effective music is in learning foreign languages, and especially in mastering grammar, increasing the vocabulary and setting the pronunciation. In addition, we can remember "Mozart effect", according to which listening to classical music stimulates brain activity, improves mindfulness, concentration, and memory.

In most popular songs, there are many interesting expressions. It is also very important that the lyrics are intended for native speakers and include modern conversational turns.

It is fun! Yes, singing, especially if you are relaxed, will bring emotional relief, because ease and fun in dealing with a new tongue are important for motivation. We all know how much music can influence our state of mind. It can raise our spirits, console us in difficult times or even improve our physical health. And what causes emotions in us is easy to remember.

Singing helps you breathe properly. Many do not attach sufficient importance to proper breathing, but it is ultimately one of the key points for pronunciation and clarity of speech. Singing will help you comprehend when you need to breathe in a sentence so that it sounds more natural.

You improve your understanding of English by ear. Listening to any material in English, you are working on auditory perception. And the songs are not an exception: your favorite hits will help you get used to the sound of English speech.

The right words come to mind. Many words and phrases in songs are often repeated, making them very easy to remember. Of course, you also faced it – when this popular melody or another sound in your head again and again. It is this mechanism of the "intrusive melody" that can render invaluable help in learning English, new words and phrases with the help of songs. And moreover – you will find pretty quickly that it is simply impossible to forget new words.

Music never gets boring. Another reason why learning English at times seems like such a difficult task is the lack of time. However, listening to songs, it does not take so much time. In our age of smartphones and MP3 players, you can listen to music anywhere – in the car, in the kitchen, on the road – and this will never get bored. Songs and lyrics are easy to find on the Internet, so this is one of the most accessible ways to improve English. In addition, these materials you can easily save on your phone or tablet.

Immersion in culture. Music and songs allow you to better feel the English language, to trace intercultural ties, to understand the peculiarities of constructing English phrases. Songs introduce us to how English speakers express their emotions, feelings, thoughts. In addition, you will have topics for discussion with your English-speaking friends – this can concern both the essence of the songs and the most popular performers.

Which Songs Do Not Fit

First of all, you should choose the songs that are the most suitable for learning English. For example, songs that do not fit:

  • Songs where there are a lot of rare words;
  • Little-known songs (popular songs have simpler, more conversational language, so it is better to study English with their help, in addition, a "hit" song that has broken all the charts is a good topic for conversation with native speakers);
  • Songs at a fast pace;
  • Songs words of which are hard to find.

Choose the Proper Songs

  • Choose songs with simple texts, not too complicated and not too easy;
  • Choose what you like. There is no point in learning English from songs that you do not like;
  • Another nuance that is worth paying attention to is how clearly the performer pronounces the words. In this sense, for example, heavy metal is unlikely to please you with an excellent diction (this is by no means a role model) and it is hardly worth starting to get acquainted with English from this musical genre;
  • But the ballads will do in the best way possible. They always have a plot that is easier to perceive than abstract lyrics. For beginners, children's songs or even songs from Disney cartoons can be a good help;
  • In any case, it is better to start with pop music. The main theme is love there, the same words are repeated, which means that they are easier to remember. At some point, you will realize that you have already passed this level and will be able to switch to other musical genres to expand your vocabulary.

Select the songs according to the material you have already studied. Perhaps, this is one of the most complicated tasks. After all, with each new song, it is increasingly difficult to balance the new words with the already mastered vocabulary. The correct ratio of repetitions and new words will motivate you to move on, and will consolidate already existing knowledge with the maximum possible effect at the same time.

Listen to songs in English and you will be surprised how quickly you move forward in its study. It has long been noted that when it is possible to combine business with pleasure – for example, as in our case, your favorite music and learning a foreign tongue – then any business is done as if by itself, without the slightest effort, giving joy and creative satisfaction.

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