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“Gender” Paper: Topics and Ideas for Research

Typically, the concepts connected with gender are differences, equality, stereotypes, roles, and discrimination. One of the important peculiarities of the notion of gender is that it is ambivalent: it contains various facets, such as biological, psychological, and sociological. The scientist study how gender influences person’s self-esteem, feelings and processes of cognition, how the representatives of the same and diverse genders interact, how others expect them to behave and which roles are the most common for the particular gender. Here you can find the research topics connected with these aspects.

Topics About Gender Roles

  • Gender roles: literature.
  • Women and literature: gender roles.
  • The gender reception of texts.
  • Impact of gender on text production.
  • Gender depiction in ancient Greek tragedies.
  • Gender in Middle age literature.
  • Gender in Utopia literature.
  • Gender in Shakespeare’s tragedies.
  • English novels and feminism.
  • Feministic influence on literature.
  • Filming differences depending on gender.
  • Hollywood’s ideology: gender issues.
  • Gender role in melodramas.
  • Feminists in movies.
  • Masculinity in movies.
  • War films: typical gender roles.

Topics About Gender Stereotypes

  • The components of stereotype: gender, ethnicity, and age.
  • Gender stereotypes in social psychology.
  • The most typical stereotypes based on gender.
  • Gender stereotypes and social roles.
  • How are gender stereotypes constructed?
  • Gender stereotypes at school.
  • Gender stereotyping in career building.
  • Literature for children: role of gender stereotypes.
  • Gender issues at workplace.
  • Gender and fame: stereotyping.
  • Mass media triggering gender stereotyping.
  • Gender stereotypes in social media.
  • Recent modifications in gender stereotyping tendencies.
  • Are toys gender stereotyped?
  • The toys made exceptionally for boys or girls: the issue of gender stereotyping.
  • How do parents influence children’s playing behavior?
  • Are parents to blame of children’s gender stereotypes?
  • Gender stereotypes: positive sides.
  • Gender differentiation in toys production.
  • Typical colors for boy’s and girl’s toys.
  • Play preferences based on the sex of a child.
  • Cognition differences grounded in gender.
  • Do parents usually treat boys and girls in different ways?
  • Ideological, social and gender stereotypes in modern toy’s production.
  • Gender roles in women’s magazines advertisements.
  • Do advertising stereotypes have a gender basis?

Topics About Gender Psychology

  • The tasks of gender psychology.
  • Gender psychology as a branch of social psychology.
  • Gender differences in cognitive processes.
  • Gender psychological strategies for research.
  • Conflicts between different gender representatives: historical retrospection.
  • Gender culture.

Topics About Feminism

  • Feminism in modern education.
  • Historical view on feminists’ movement.
  • Pros and cons of feminists’ movement.
  • The basic principles of feminism.
  • The feministic pedagogy: is it justified?
  • Feministic approach in education.
  • The issues of modern feministic discourse.
  • Feminist issue of service learning.
  • The features of liberal feminism.
  • Philosophy basis of feminist movement.
  • Anti-feminism and its basic principles.
  • The ethics of feminism.
  • Moral basis of feminism.
  • The connection of postmodernism and feminism.
  • Privacy conception in liberal feminism.
  • Girls geeks: the feminist achievements in technological professions.

Understanding Gender: a Few Words About What You Will Actually Work On

The term “gender” referred to denoting one of grammatical categories before 1950s when it was given the definition that has become widely acknowledged nowadays. So, let’s see what exactly is included in this many-sided notion:

  1. understanding of masculinity and femininity;
  2. family roles;
  3. social statuses and positions;
  4. economic attributes and opportunities;
  5. involvement in different spheres of life;
  6. adherence to human rights;
  7. cultural patterns of men and women behavior and activities.

Obviously, in your research you don’t need to cover all of these aspects. On the contrary, it would be much better and more convenient if you stick to one of them and study a particular issue providing sound evidence and setting proper examples.

Some Helpful Researching and Writing Tips

Female Programmer with Laptop

The topics connected with gender issues require much attention not only to what you are going to write about, but also to how you are going to present this or that idea. That is why you may need some advice on managing both your research work and your writing process, so that you could hand in your paper on time and be sure of your good grade. Catch a few nice recommendations from professional writers!

Tip #1: Don’t Hesitate to Consult with Your Instructor/Professor

You shouldn’t be so shy to come and ask the person whose knowledge and experience are undoubtedly much richer than yours to give a piece of advice on your topic, especially if you really respect his or her opinion and often consider it when doing your assignments. Of course, it doesn’t mean that you will get a ready plan for your paper. However, your professor can help you to choose the direction for the research or to improve some of the groundwork you already have.

Tip #2: Check the Information That Seems Suspect to You

Some gender issues still remain quite controversial or even biased, so you should check the facts and points of view which smack of some invalidity or prejudices. In case you are really short of time, skip such kind of information and stick to more reliable materials. Again, you can ask your professor or supervisor about the things you don’t understand.

Tip #3: It Isn’t Worth Trying to Embrace the Unembraceable

The more facts, events or ideas you want to describe and analyze, the easier it may be to lose your own purpose for writing and to stray from the most significant points of your research. So, you should focus more on the latter instead of providing a lot of unnecessary details which don’t relate to the core of your paper.

Tip #4: Make Notes, Outlines, Graphs or Whatever Can Help You with Structuring the Paper

All these writings and even drawings can make your work visual and therefore much easier. Your outline may become a good basis for your paper plan and hence its “Contents” part. Your drafts tables or diagrams can be either included in the main body of the paper or provided as its appendices.

Tip #5: Take the Trouble to Proofread Your Paper

Try to manage your time so that you could have at least half a day free to check your paper inside out. Pay attention to the references and the most eye-catching points.

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