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Sociology essay: questions and writing guidelines

One of the basic rules in writing is caring about your work. This point works for each stage of the writing process, particularly, the very first one – selecting the topic. When you have received your assignment you are to analyze it, understand what is actually expected from you and apply those requirements to the topic chosen. Our article will explain the first steps in writing and provide you with some good questions for sociology writing.

Understanding the assignment.

When you receive your assignment you should look for signal words that will guide you to correct completion of the task. They are:

  • Summarize: in this case you are to provide a short overview of some written piece. Make sure that you include all the significant arguments and statements described by the author.
  • Explain: usually you are asked to explain a particular concept or term providing your personal understanding and examples, which, however, should be based on the materials that you have learned in the course.
  • Compare: if your task is to compare you will probably get 2 issues, subjects or phenomena that have similar and distinctive features. You are to find and discuss them.
  • Critique or evaluate: this assignment requires the writer to find strong and weak features of a particular subject and prove the writer’s considering them as such.

Selecting a topic.

There are several rules, following of which will assure that your topic will be good enough for completing an essay about it:

  • Remember to pick your topic carefully. Try to find a question in the subject’s scope that excites you, conduct a research on it and present your finding to a reader. This will let your audience learn new information about your subject and you will be able to reveal new facets of the question that was genuinely interesting for you.
  • There are a number of so called “open-ended” topics. They are good for research but make sure that you do not select to broad area for work but focus your attention on the one particular issue that you are able to manage within your word count required.

Sociology essay questions.

  • What are the best ways to decrease the rate of homelessness?
  • What are the reasons for youth runaways?
  • The effects of homelessness increasing rates.
  • Understanding the reasons of runaway youth.
  • The reasons for human aggression.
  • Where and how does aggression originate?
  • The ways of childhood aggression developments.
  •  The theoretical ground of human aggression.
  • Methods of aggression treatment.
  • Violence as one of the possible aggression’s results.
  • The reasons for youth violence.
  • What are the economic factors usually involved in the warfare?
  • The problem of children and war,
  • Laws regulating the children rights in the armed conflicts.
  • Children experiencing refugee.
  • War and refugee traumas.
  • What is the real war price?
  • War profits.
  • Genocide, its causes and effects.
  • Memory politics and genocide.
  • How to avoid mass murdering in history?
  • The methods of preventing genocide.
  • Ethnic conflicts in the context of the evolution theory.
  • How to achieve harmony in multi-ethnic society?

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