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How to write a classification essay?

A classification essay (sometimes also called a division essay) should demonstrate how particular examples connected with the thesis of the paper can be classified into different categories or how some concept or subject can be divided into parts. Here we will tell you about the main points you should consider when classifying,   basic steps in writing a classification essay and some more useful tips for improving your paper.

  1. Steps to proper classification.

-          sort your objects into categories;

-          all the categories must correspond to the one principle that organizes them;

-          every category should be followed with several examples (at least 2 examples should be presented).

  1. How to find categories?

This is one of the basic issues in writing a classification essay. You should apply logic for dividing your things and find the core criteria that can group the objects around them. In order to define the criteria you should think about the features that distinguish and unite your objects.

  1. Important points to consider.

-          clarify what are the common features in all the things for classification;

-          make sure that same objects do not get under one category. However, if some of them do give an explanation for it making an accent on different criteria;

-          check if your points are stated in the logical way;

-          be thorough in defining your categories, do not forget essential points;

-          in your paper you should dedicate a separate paragraph to each category providing it with examples;

-          conclusion should clarify why your classification is important and why the reader should care about it. Note what the value of the classification developed by you is.

  1. Writing tips:

-          classification writing can break the things in following ways: parts, types, and characteristics:

  1. Part is a component of the whole. If you are writing about them do not omit any essential component as together with others it makes a whole unit.
  2. Type is a kind, a variant of the objects. Different types should have one or few features in common and others are different that, in fact, form the variants.
  3. Characteristic is a feature that illustrates the subject.

-          Also, classification can help in defining your subject as this is how you will be able to explicate the different facets of it. For example, you can give the definition with the help of dividing your concept into various characteristics.

-          You should choose the main points carefully and make sure that they have equal significance, are not confused, and nothing is omitted.

-          Each spot should be defined in your body paragraphs.

- Introduction should present your subject as a versatile unit that can be divided in parts, types, or characteristics. Thesis should state your reasons for breaking it into classes and classification principle.

- Body paragraphs demonstrate different categories illustrated by the examples. One paragraph should represent one category.

- Conclusions sums up your divisions and classifications and answers a “so what?” question. The reader must realize why this research was conducted. If you have developed an original classification explain why it is better, fuller or more comfortable that the others existing.


Keywords: classification essay, classification, paper, writing, structure, tips, steps, categories, types, characteristics, parts.

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