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How to write a philosophy paper?

First of all, when you received an assignment to write a philosophy paper you should understand the distinctive features of this type of writing. The philosophical essay is not a research paper, nor a report, nor a personal reflective paper. What you need to do here is to defend your thesis statement. This will be the first spot of our article. Also, we will tell you about the main requirements to philosophy paper and provide you with some useful tips on its completion.

  1. Thesis statement in the philosophy paper: how to build it up and defend?
    1. What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement is usually one or two sentences, which claim about your position on the issue and identify what you will defend in your paper. The thesis is typically located in your first paragraph, at the end of it.

  1. How to develop a thesis statement?
  • The first stage is to identify your position on the issue. In order to determine it you will need to conduct a thorough research using the necessary materials. You may have the list of recommended literature; also, you can try to investigate the issue by your own.
  • After you have analyzed, evaluated and noted all the significant points you should develop your own thesis. Make sure that you did not copy it from the sources you elaborated but created your own basing on them.
  • Remember that everything you write in your paper should support your thesis. In case you have touched upon points not stated in thesis do not hesitate to modify it in accordance to your arguments.
  • Narrow your thesis to the focus you are able to manage as, for sure, it is not possible to cover all the points in a philosophy paper.
  • Make sure that your thesis is specific. Do not use vague phrases but provide reasons for your judgment instead.
    1. How to defend the thesis?
  • In the body paragraphs of the paper you should provide the arguments defending your thesis and examples and quotations to support them.
  • Each body paragraph presents only one idea, which is mainly stated in the topical sentence that is the first one in the paragraph usually. This sentence is to tie up the ideas of one paragraph together.
  • Other sentences should support these ideas with the relevant examples.
  1. What to avoid when writing a philosophy essay?
  • Too long introductions. Make sure that your introductory part is as concise as possible. There is not much new general information you can tell in the field of philosophy, thus, you should concentrate on your thesis and its defense.
  • Too long quotations. It is good if you support the arguments with the authoritative sayings but your paper should not consist fully of them. The key thing in the essay is your position.
  • Jokes. A philosophy paper required a serious tone, which is why you should leave jokes and anecdotes for other types of writing.
  • Claiming without evidence. Remember that all your statements should be supported, otherwise, you grade will be reduced for not covering all the points.
  • Questions. Do not leave your readers with a question. You are there to answer it by yourself.

Keywords: philosophy paper, philosophy essay, philosophical, writing, thesis statement.


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