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How to write a thematic essay?

In order to write a thematic essay successfully, first of all, you should focus on the task. Student must pay attention to all the components of the assignment in order to receive a good grade. Writing thematic papers is beneficial for studying process as the help to develop critic al thinking skills. Here we will provide you with the main requirements of the thematic essays, how to organize your work on the paper and structure it.

  1. Thematic essay and what you should know about it.

-          When writing a thematic paper you should concentrate your attention on the themes and concepts indicated in the task or question.

-          Thematic writing develops critical thinking skills and teaches students to make connections between the objects and their components, events and circumstances, causes and effects.

-          Student must not only respond to the questions from the task but also identify the connection between the section of the assignment and explain their linkages

-          In order to receive a high grade for a thematic essay you have to demonstrate that your understanding is clear and deep.

-          Do not omit any aspect of the assignment.

-          Provide the analysis of events and issues.

-          Make sure that your essay is detailed enough.

-          Key arguments and ideas should be summarized as well as strong introductory and conclusive parts must be provided.

  1. Stages of writing the thematic essay.
    1. Pre-writing stage.

Before you compose your response a careful analysis of the task is needed. Secondly, you should organize the materials you would like to include into your paper.

Usually a scoring rubric for the thematic essay is provided. So make sure you have understood the requirements properly and have enough resources to meet them.

When you are analyzing your task you should underline the section which you think are the most important.

In order to organize your writing properly you can create a table outline which contains tasks from one side and their solutions from another one.

  1. Writing stage.

-          Introduction.

This part should tell about what your essay will prove or defend. Introduce here the theme or an issue but not only with restating the topic. You should rather provide your understanding and view on it.

Each component of the task must be addressed and further they must be elaborated in the body paragraphs.

-          Main body of the essay.

Each of the paragraphs should address an issue raised in a task and provides the details to the response. Also, you can add examples and relevant facts to illustrate your statements. If you have prepared the box table this stage will be much easier for you.

-          Conclusion

The essay must be concluded with the summarizing the components of the issue or the concept. Some material can be taken from the theme and repeats some spots from the introduction. Also, you should mention what was said in the main body of the essay and appears to be the most important.

Our article has given you some main points you should know about the thematic essay and described the stages of it completion. Make sure you do not omit the revising stage, which will help you to achieve the desired scores.

Keywords: thematic essay, thematic paper, writing, tips, stages, task, assignment.


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