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How to Write Persuasive Articles: Examples of Effective Writing Tools

The key purpose of persuasive writing is proving that the author’s opinion regarding the particular issue is correct and is worth being accepted by audience. Several specific methodologies of convincing the reader exist and in order to be effective in your essay you should be aware of the basic rules. Before you start writing, we recommend learning how to persuade orally and apply this knowledge in written form. Here are the chief steps to take in writing a persuading article.

Typical Student Mistakes in Persuading Writing

We would like to start with telling what you should not do when writing the persuading paper. Here are two main reasons for facing issues in convincing the reader with your writing:

  1. No audience. When you are writing, you are usually alone with your thoughts, which is why you may not realize who you are writing for. Such issue leads to inability to rebut counterarguments.
  2. No purpose. Often students are writing for the sake of completing the assignment they got and getting a mark for it. Leaving apart the global purpose of learning, it must be noted that the student should clearly understand why he or she is writing the paper and what it will be able to change after it is completed. Writing for the sake of writing will not work for persuading.

How to Fix the Usual Mistakes?

  1. First of all, one must imagine the auditory he or she is writing for. For real, usually it is just your professor or, additionally, some colleagues. However, the author should consider the counterpart of the discussed issue as the readers. This will help the writer to make his or her efforts be convincing.
  2. The writing should be personally meaningful. In other words, it is useful for the writer to care of what he or she is writing about. This will keep him or her motivated to improve the writing style, grammar and techniques.
  3. The writer must do his or her best in order to view the issue from the audience’s perspective, take into account their interests and preferences, choose the pieces of evidence that are likely to impress them.

Training Your Persuading Skills

  1. In order to improve the respective skills or just learn how to persuade, you should listen, read and analyze the persuasive speeches and articles. Try to find the specific words which work for convincing the reader. This will additionally train your critical skills.
  2. Make sure that your structure is built in the right way: an introduction should state your points in a clear manner, the main body has to reveal minimum 3 arguments supported by pieces of evidence and the conclusion’s task is to summarize the key points and restate the thesis.
  3. You can try to improve your persuasive skills by writing and with the help of peer review techniques. Read and analyze your colleagues’ works. Ask them to check yours and find its weak and strong points.
  4. One more crucial factor for making your persuasive writing effective is your ability to differentiate between facts and opinions. Note that a fact is a piece of information that describes or states something in an objective and unbiased manner while opinion is someone’s view on the fact, which can be subjective.

Clever Writing Tips

Politician Holding a Speech

The first thing you should put up with is the fact that you will never sound equally persuasive for everybody. Even while working on your paper, you may suddenly realize that you enthusiastically support one opinion, but totally disagree with the other one. Consequently, whatever those guys who anyway stick to the latter say or write, it doesn’t make sense to you.

On the other hand, when you are writing an article to shed some light on a particular issue which you think is very topical and can be interesting to a large number of readers, your own thoughts may carry you so far away that you will pay hardly any attention to how understandable the style of your writing gets. So, take control over the train of your thoughts and check every paragraph from time to time.

However, there are some effective methods that will help you make your style so smart and confident that the opinions you state can be accepted even by those guys who have initially taken the opposite side. By the way, they all are connected with and based on some specific features which characterize the way we all perceive the information which comes from written or oral texts. Nevertheless, you will be surprised to find out how simple and obvious these tips actually are.

  • Repeat your main idea: of course, you shouldn’t write one and the same statement in each paragraph; what you need to do is to restate your opinion in a few different ways (state it directly, set an example and cite somebody very respectable). According to what psychologists say, the more often some idea catches our eyes, the more normal and therefore acceptable it becomes for us.
  • Explain things as clearly as you can: your readers will be grateful to you if you go simple despite complexity of your issue; what is more, when you realize that you should explain something to others, you make yourself dig deeper into the topic of your research.
  • Compare different views: certainly, the issue you are writing about has been approached from various angles, so you should separate those which correlate with your own ideas and those which are not; besides, you can include the opposite views in order to demonstrate that you know about their existence and to let your audience understand why you don’t support them.
  • Make predictions: it’s just a human nature that makes us all want to know what will happen if something happens. So, if your topic implies an opportunity to foresee some phenomena or events, then you are welcome to tell your readers about them as well.
  • Provide solutions: if your article is devoted to environmental issues or political disputes, you can present reasonable and even scientifically approved solutions to them; don’t forget to refer to reliable sources and highlight who has suggested the idea and why it can work.

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