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Mass Media Essays: Ideas for Writing

The mass media take a huge part of our life nowadays, which is why this aspect cannot be disregarded by modern science. Usually students are offered to take part in some academic discussions about mass media effects, genres and functions, and express their opinions through writing research papers and essays. In your work, you can define mass media and its genres, analyze its influence on children, teenagers and grown-ups, as well as discuss the techniques used by mass media and the functions it fulfills. Basically, there is a big number of topics to write about. Your task is just to narrow the topic into a certain aspect and conduct research about it. Here are the media topics for essays to write on.

Media Topics for Essays

Choosing a topic for your media essay writing, you should think of what academic field you are writing on. Obviously, if you are going to write on Linguistics, you should pay attention to the language used by mass media. Crafting the paper on Sociology will make you think of the sociological effects of mass media. Here is the list of specific suitable topics on mass media to help you with making up your choice of topic on Communications and Sociology subjects.

1. Genres of Mass Media

Electronic media

  • Genres of print media.
  • Book as a genre of mass media.
  • Small printed media genres.
  • Comparative analysis of newsbooks and broadsheets.
  • Pamphlets and their place in mass media industry.
  • Newspaper: the history of development.
  • Tabloids and their functions.
  • Should tabloids be prohibited?
  • Propaganda in print media: methods and strategies.
  • Handbills advertising issues.
  • Printed newspapers and online newspapers.
  • Journal genres and types.
  • Women and men magazines.
  • Gloss magazines.
  • Political and apolitical newspapers.
  • Newspaper as a tool for political propaganda.
  • Pamphlets in the political turmoil.
  • Electronic media.
  • Development of broadcasting media.
  • Radio transmission.
  • Genres of radio media.
  • The reasons for popularity of the radio in the 20th century.
  • Will the radio survive in future?
  • Television media genres.

2. Media and Society

  • Media influence on social moods.
  • How can media manage masses?
  • The strategies used in social media.
  • Social media marketing and its tools.
  • Social media classification.
  • Purposes of social media.
  • Social media effects.
  • News purposes in social media.
  • Can we trust social media?
  • Reliability of social media content.
  • Privacy issues in social media.
  • Plagiarism issue in social media.
  • Ways to protect your privacy in social media.
  • Pros and cons of social media.
  • How do social media influence human relationships?
  • Positive and negative aspects of social media.
  • Social media as an entertaining tool.
  • Informative task of social media.
  • How can social media become an employment tool?
  • Twitter as an advertising tool.
  • Advertising and privacy.
  • Social networks and their impact on work productivity.
  • How have social networks changed our communication?
  • Should we have censorship in social media?
  • Censorship and freedom of speech.
  • Educational means of mass media.
  • How can social media educate people?
  • How to keep media unbiased?
  • Do we need unbiased and objective media?

General Tips

  • Consider the type of essay that you are assigned to write. If you have to write a definition paper, make sure that you develop your own definition of the subject. Expository or informative essay will require you to provide an explanation of the particular concept of media. Critical essay writing involves your analysis and judgment of the topic.
  • Do not be afraid to speak your mind. Any good essay requires a personal opinion.
  • Do not feel shy to ask for help. One may need help with searching for the good topic for the media essay writing and for getting reliable revision. It would be a nice idea to pay for expert assistance with CoolEssay.Net and find everything you need to get a perfect academic essay.
  • Taking into consideration the fact that mass media are not as reliable source of information as we wish they were, the materials you use for your research should also contain sensible information which could provide you with unbiased views of respectable scientists, journalists and other specialists. If you still have doubts about whether to believe the facts you have found in books, articles or even online blogs, you can consult your instructor or supervisor and listen to their opinions.
  • Most if not all of the issues connected with the notion of mass media, with their past, present and future, as well as with their effect on different spheres of our lives, can turn out to be really many-sided and very complicated. That is why it is important for you to stick to the particular idea, which you want to present in your paper, and not to jump from one subject to another one. Of course, you still can and should apply to sound evidence and set examples to support your main considerations, but anyway you shouldn’t stray away from your topic too much.
  • Whatever you discuss, describe and analyze in your essay, stay as diplomatic, reasonable and impartial as you can. Refer to several opposite views on the issue you are writing about even if you do not support them. Just show your reader that there can be alternative considerations, but also explain why you personally and other respectable and trustworthy people, on whose works you base your research, disagree with them.

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