This game is driving crazy the whole world, although it has been released only a few weeks ago! Surely, it has proved to be very exciting and even useful in some ways. For example, it allows you to walk a lot, which is good for your health, it also helps you to meet new people etc. Probably, you also have this game on your smart phone. However, there are a few cons of Pokemon Go. Here you can find some pieces of advice that may be a great help while writing a paper!
Wasting Time
Probably, it is the most trivial disadvantage of Pokemon Go. As any other game, which you download on your smart phone or computer, this one also requires a person to spend some time on it. The more, the better… for the game, but not necessarily a player. Are you going to catch them all? If your answer is “yes”, you should have a lot of time at your disposal. People put off important things, they forget about their work and studying. Here you can use the case of a man, who was fired because he was playing Pokemon Go at his workplace as an example. Surely, if you are on vacations and have nothing to do, you can play without any pangs of guilt, but will you sacrifice this pleasure when the term starts? Think of it and write about your own opinion concerning the issue of time.
Traumas and Danger
People are often getting hurt while trying to catch a Pokemon, as the game is mostly played outside. You will definitely find such sad stories in the Internet. It is easy not to notice a pit on the road or a ditch somewhere in the forest in case you are involved in the game and reality has stopped existing for you. People also tend to be even run over a car! That’s why this game may be dangerous for a player. People should be more careful to avoid traumatic situations, but the main problem is that it is really difficult to concentrate both on the game and on the reality!

Criminals and Shocking Findings
It has been reported that some criminals started using Pokemon Go for their felonious purposes. They are ensnaring people with the help of the game to rob them. Once again, you can use stories and articles you can find in the Internet to support this argument. Another disadvantage is that people may find something shocking when catching another Pokemon, for example, a dead body. It’s not a pleasant finding, is it?
Aggression and Separation
Finally, some people are becoming aggressive while playing Pokemon Go, so you don’t know what to expect when you need to interrupt them. Of course, it depends on the people’s features of characters, but still the game aggravates the situation. Players also gather in special communities which can be considered as an advantage. However, they separate from their usual social environment at the same time. You may consider it, and, perhaps, you will find such example among your friends and relatives.